Originally published at: Anti-masker begs airport passengers to join his revolution, laughter ensues | Boing Boing
When I tried to do the same thing but with pants instead of masks, I got similar results.
People just aren’t ready for a revolution, I guess.
The experience of the anti-maskers is simply incommensurable. I do not feel there is any way that I can understand or sympathize with this person. He is obviously angry and fearful but I can’t even comprehend what it could be about.
Also I think his backpack is oversized for a carryon.
White Genocide? Space Lasers? Pizza Paedophiles? International Bankers? ((((((Globalists)))))? 5G?
A particular body of people have convinced him that beneficial intrusions into his personal rights - wearing mask - are more important than far more harmful intrusions into his personal rights - right to vote.
I’ll bet the first time this guy ever visited D.C. was on January 6th. He looks EXACTLY like so many of those seditionists that the FBI is still looking for.
Perhaps I’m being naive, but I tend to believe that he spent so much time inside the echo chamber of social media, read so many r/thatHappened worthy fantasy postings among revolutionary-wanna-bes, that he truly believed he would be successful - and that everyone would stand and slow clap…
He should have done what the other inconsiderate dicks on the last plane I was on did and just vent his freedom breath out his nose over the mask once he was on the flight.
When you replace “mask” with “pants” in every story, the news is much more interesting.
How about that gal just dominating him at the end?? She’s hard-fuckin-core right there!
ETA: Or maybe she was his girlfriend and was just DONE
My thought is, where is airport security here? That’s an awful long time for someone to keep on ranting without getting tackled.
This anti-masker’s deluded cry for people to discard their masks reminds me of the misplaced confidence of the “no contact” chi masters who believe in and teach a magical system of martial arts based on mystical “chi energy” rather than physics-based, practical mixed martial arts. Their teaching works fine among their deluded followers, who all helpfully fall over when the chi master waves his hands in their direction, but not so much in the real world.
When that anti-masker gets covid it will be like when chi master Wei Lei got knocked in the head by MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong.
Is that what it is? Do they believe that masks are somehow anti-crystals or whatever that are somehow going to interfere with their magic?
Just one more example of how Trumpism has infantilized America. These people have been taught that when you are confronted with any stress, or anything that you don’t want to do, your FIRST response is to throw a hissy fit temper tantrum, just like the Dear Leader.
I feel like these people are getting an inflated sense of community and intelligence, and compensating for low self esteem. Watch how quickly they claim everyone is sheep and stupid but they have done their own research. One of them I know personally reminds me often that he was taught the “real truth” in college (first one in his lower class family to get a degree).
I wish I knew the aftermath of this outburst. I wonder why he was allowed to just keep yelling? I feel like a lot of Americans would have been tazed or worse within a few seconds of having an agitated outburst in an airport, screaming about revolution. Strange that this guy pulled it off as long as he did. What about him is so special?