Here's the mashup video of Trump mass-murdering his enemies, shown at his resort to supporters

There was apparently a room that was set up as a sort of curated exhibition with multiple monitors and projectors plating multiple videos. It was playing on one of the monitors.


I heard it was part of a meme display. Still; Who chose it, who authorized it being displayed?

Not really, one was a blockbuster MOVIE, the other was widely shared meme type video made from a movie. Im not justifying the president killing media folks, just notice the similarities. And Ive noticed that the Joker made some people nervous, but Taxi Driver is considered a masterpiece.

Organising the left is like herding cats. Anarchists don’t like Marxist-Leninists as a group, M-Ls don’t like Social Democrats, SocDems don’t like anarchists, and the feeling is mutual. If you have managed to unite them all against you then you may want to reconsider what you have done, because you have fucked up in a big way.


There’s some pretty wild lack of awareness in that. Look up how Al Franken was roasted here when his treatment of women co-workers was revealed. There are numerous other examples.

The lesson: for the BBS commentariat, if you fucked up, it doesn’t really matter what “tribe” you belong to, prepare for criticism.


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