Here's the mashup video of Trump mass-murdering his enemies, shown at his resort to supporters

Ok. Team “Black Cloaks in the $bn Star Chamber” are looking to bring political activity to barbaric baselessness.

They’re trying to undo all the ties that bind.

Chaos is good for power.

Trump running? Ha! You can’t fool me! This video really is totally fake!

Side note: do you think the Secret Service demands that he wear Velcro to cinch up his shoes instead of laces, ya know, on the off chance he were to decide and try to actually run somewhere?

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Fair enough. He puts a little more into these performances.



And now I wish he was the Baron in the new Dune film. If wasn’t President, that is.


Not to continue an off-topic discussion, but the flip side of that is that people, especially the subcultures from which the violence arises, are frequently willing to blame pop culture for violence because they know it’s a distraction. This goes all the way back to moral panics of the mid-20th century, and probably back to the dawn of recorded time before Socrates was executed for challenging the status quo. This isn’t to compare Millar, GTA or Kingsmen to Socrates - being familiar only with Socrates, I still feel safe assuming none of those other three are as valuable - but just to point out that the criminals love it when they can focus the ire their choices provoke on a handy scapegoat, be it pop culture, mental illness or anything other than their own responsibility.

Hate groups like Trumpistan will always find something to scapegoat, even if it’s something as otherwise innocuous as Pepe the Frog. Politicians and pundits especially will decry violent video games because the NRA, not EA, are funding their campaigns and slush funds.


Millar published a magazine called CLiNT, so named because it’s an old and well known comics typographical pun that an “L” and an “I” next to each other look like a “U”. That about sums up Millar’s edginess and clever wit for me.


I re-watched Terminator a few weeks ago and saw Arnold massacre an entire police station searching for Sarah Conner. What’s different?

If the Secret Service investigates any threat against the President (and it should), the FBI should be investigating this threat against all the people depicted as being murdered in this video.

Although, actually, the Secret Service is involved here, since Obama was depicted as being murdered.

You dont see anything difference between a professional actor playing a role and Trump murdering his political opponents?


Arnold isn’t president and wasn’t playing the president and nobody pasted the president’s head on Arnold? I mean, that’s my first thought.


We elected him governator, there’s that.

Ivanka ties his shoes for him


I confess that I haven’t been following this more closely than necessary — that conservatives are sick people is old news, dog bites man stuff — but query: How exactly did this come to be shown at the event? Was it unsupervised show and tell or was it vetted? (Spoiler: These people are pretty twisted with twisted beliefs so it’s not like I believe vetting would have kept it from being shown.)

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I read that in a Russian accent.
Well played.


This is fascinating.

At the risk of sticking out in the minutes of a PMRC meeting, I loved that movie. It was transgressive in the way that the Crank movies were, a James Bond style movie in many respects with bulges of B-Movie cartoon violence, slapstick, variable budget spending (the exploding heads look like they were created on a phone app while the CGI slicing the agent in half was high end) and a disproportionately innapproriate (for genre) joke about anal sex. Dumb fun that would normally be made for a tiny direct to DVD audience bankrolled and resourced to the tune od $90m and taking nearly half a billion at the box office.

So I’m not on the ‘I knew it aaaaaall along’ bus. What I find fascinating is:

-Right wingers are dogshit at any kind of humour and are never funny so either this is the work of a well-skilled trump fan (which I struggle to believe) or someone saw the original movie and came up with the idea to put trump on the face of Firth and had the enemies superimposed and gave someone a lot of money to do it.
-Trump has condemned it. Trump doesn’t condemn ANYTHING and my set of predjudices tell me that his base would LOVE to see him like this, unless he is concerned that it is set in a church. I’m baffled that he doesn’t take it on the chin and have that image of him out there.

  • Watching it, I wasn’t sure for a while if it was a satire on how Trump sees himself or played straight, clearly you know that it’s played straight by the end.
  • I wonder if the same treatment was applied to any film (Dirty Harry,The Terminator,Game of Thrones, Kill Bill, Kung Fu Panda, Tom and Jerry, Home Alone) if people would make the same re-evaluations and interpretations of the original work rather than seeing the exercise as in hijacking someone else’s work and intentions and that the finished article is what needs evaluation.
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It isn’t about the French revolution, and you know it. It is about threatening people today. Nor am I making any ‘equivalence’ by saying it’s a bad idea to go around making threatening gifs about using guillotines.

The difference is that you and most people here go for a tribalism where you only complain about Trump and those on ‘the other side’, and it will get you your likes. I think it is more useful to point out fallacies of opinions that are common in the group where I argue, not preach to the choir, even if it makes me less popular.

That’s a dangerous game, because they can think exactly the same. It’s how Trump tries to run negotiations, make wild threats in the hope the opponent will back down.

Did you forget that there has been at least one attempt on the lives of the current president’s “enemies” by a fan egged on by this kind of targeting of the opposition?


Don’t just assume that absolutely everyone in CA voted for him in 2004, a full 20 years after the 1984 movie you mentioned; ‘we’ didn’t.


If I was being paid a pile of money, I’d start with Herr Starr from Preacher. It’s a much better fit for Trump and his fans. (NSFW, violence.)

Can you answer the following question?