Originally published at: Here's the trailer for "Willow", the forthcoming TV sequel starring Warwick Davis | Boing Boing
Best headline I have seen for this so far “Here is the trailer for Willow, the sequel to Willow, featuring Willow”
Too bad it’s only Disney Plus, where all content is locked down and only accessible in one way…
so Elora Danan would be … romantic subplot age by now? (and played by Kate either/or/and Ruth Greenfield? imdb)
Oh, wasn’t he just.
As one of the (vanishingly) few people in the world who adored Chris Claremont’s “Shadow” trilogy, I am ever-so-slightly disappointed by this - but I also don’t care, because I also love Willow so anything revisiting that story is fine by me. It’s not as though those books suddenly cease to exist or anything.
Elora Danan like the baby from Willow.
Welp, I wasn’t expecting the original Willow fanfare to give me such goosebumps, but here we are. I’m…cautiously optimistic. A bit confused as to why Joanne Whalley’s name isn’t in the IMDb cast list, since she’s clearly reprising her role as Sorsha. But I hope it means that Kevin Pollak and Rick Overton might show up. I don’t think we’ll be seeing Madmartigan, though.
My wife and I recently rewatched the original “Willow,” and … we were sad to admit it didn’t live up to our fond, ancient memories of it (though Val Kilmer is always excellent in anything he does, including his recent autobio doc, “Val”).
But in this post-LoTR, post-Potter world, and given the leaps in VFX technology since the original, I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with this property.
My inner child
My cynical adult self who watched the LOTR movies
Looks like it might be worth keeping my Disney+ subscription for just a little bit longer.
Sorry, what was the question?
Davis looks pretty good. I’m hoping Kilmer at least gets a cameo.
Yeah it’s good seeing him without 5 pounds of makeup and foam on
I’d not seen the unmasked him since the first Willow. I’m glad that he seems to be in good health. Aging is hard on us all but he’s got some extra challenge in that regard and I’m very happy to see it’s not slowing him down as much as I feared it might.
I have to admit to being shocked when I found out Mr. Davis is just a few months older than myself. I get what you’re saying, but also: he’s GenX, like those of us who grew up watching him, either masked or not.
I loved it that everyone on the show seemed to know that trivia about the origin of her name…
Jolly roger, ahoy!
Also not only does Warwick Davies seem to have aged well, but according to his IMDB, he’s been acting this whole entire time since Willow was released.
I had no idea…