Here's what Congressional Republicans have to gain and lose by impeaching Trump

Speaking of, this is what Trump’s approval looks like next to Ford’s (via 538):


Oh. Finally.

He’s finally got someone who he can point to and legitimately say “See? Look! I’m just as popular as ___!”


One can only hope that if Pence takes office he notes that 20-point-dip in Ford’s approval on the day he pardoned Nixon.


Ahhh. No. If they are Repugs or Democraps they are the same. They kowtow to the same handlers. Look how even Bernie (the only one I’ve ever donated) rolled over and joined the fetid pool. I still believe in individuals making a difference but as long as there is allegiance to a “party” you’re all wet. I will never ever ever vote for a Repug or a Democrap again… and I’m north of 60 in age.

That’s because even though Bernie had major differences with Clinton he recognized that Clinton and Trump were not equally bad candidates. Long before Clinton got the nomination Bernie clearly stated that “on her worst day, Clinton would be a better President than Trump would be on his best day.”

And you’re not really gaining any credibility on the “I’m not the one obsessed with Clinton” claim here.


I thought the same thing. Now I’m left with:

A. They really have no plans.
B. They think Trump wouldn’t go along with their plans so they are hoping for President Pence, but aren’t sure how to get there.


What would you have preferred that Bernie do? Vote for Trump? Run as a Third Party candidate? What?


Fetid Pool is my favorite band, too, but I don’t think it makes much sense to say—even now—that Trump and Hillary are basically the same. No, wait. It doesn’t not make much sense. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Was Hillary Clinton going to upend the way our country operates? Of course not. She would have been a liberal-ish president who might have done some moderately good things. One of those good things being keeping Trump out of the White House. And Trump is a repulsive, corrupt nitwit.

Speaking of whom, I am so cynical that I don’t think Trump will be impeached now or even if and when the Democrats retake the Senate in 2018. I don’t think enough people care.


Yes! Bernie absolutely should have run 3rd party.

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The president is unpopular … except among Republicans, where he hovers at least 85 percent. Going along with impeachment would alienate House Republicans’ base, which, thanks to gerrymandering, is pliantly conservative.

I think Democrats (and I’m one of them) are doing themselves a disservice by focusing on impeachment. For now, it’s a pipe dream and no more likely to happen than any of the One Weird Tricks the clickbait-left were spreading after election day (remember how the faithless electors were going to save us?).

The answer to every headline with the word “impeachment” in it is “no.” It’s time to stop hoping that a genie will grant our wishes, and instead deal with reality. Trump is the president. He’ll probably be the president through 2020. Plan accordingly.


Except that Bernie knew he couldn’t win as an independent, and as noted above he clearly stated from the beginning that he thought Clinton was a vastly superior choice to Trump. His actions were perfectly ideologically consistent with his original position on that matter. If you thought he reversed course or “sold out” then you really weren’t paying attention to what he was saying in the first place.

But even if we all agreed that Clinton was equally bad, that has NO BEARING on the topic of “have Trump’s actions warranted his removal from office?”


My first reaction to this: Oh, bullshit. There’s no way even Republicans are that delusional. 85%?

Well, I was right. Sort of. It’s 86%.


I really, really hope that it’s because when Republicans are polled, they think that disapproval of Trump means wishing Clinton were president. Because you’re right, approving Trump is insane.


It’s real. Vast swaths of this country sincerely believe Trump is doing a great job. This due to a combination of factors you can read about in any number of places, but they’re genuinely happy that Trump, and only Trump, is the president.

So he’s either doing great with Republicans or he’s doing… terrible with Republicans?

How is that even possible? He has done almost none of the things he promised he’d do. Even if you ignore the fact that he’s an ignorant creep whose plans were awful, he has been remarkably ineffective.


Not according to Fox News or Breitbart.

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I don’t like him. A lot of folks don’t. We don’t WANT TO WAIT until 2020 for this shit to be overwith.


Especially since it seems like this shit seems to be bordering if not swerving right into deeply questionable, if not illegal things.