"High agitated" Trump shouts at NYT reporter asking him about sex assault claims: “You are a disgusting human being”

No, I respectfully disagree with that sentiment.

I want him to live, and live long enough so that he can watch all of his television screens tell him that he’s lost the election for President of the United States by the largest margin in the history of the country. I want his last few sycophants to ooze into his office to tell him they’re sorry he’s lost and oh isn’t it so sad how that lady beat us, and then I want him to rage, RAGE against the dying of the trump campaign, flinging accusations of rigging and cheating and manipulation and incompetence while simultaneously having to be told, again and again, that the campaign is finished and his “campaign” employees are leaving and hey you still need to pay us and really DT, it was all your godamn fault you narcissistic blowhard.
I want him to wake up on the 9th and hear from every TV and radio and smartphone within eye and earshot the loud proclamations regarding the size of his loss, and about how his brand has been decimated, and that his creditors are howling about his shady business activities, and how the [state]'s Attorney General better get that paperwork about his businesses otherwise there’s jailtime in his future.
I want him to spend the rest of his life being told that he’s a complete and utter sham, and that he’s disgusting, and that he’s actively made life worse in the USA so any swinging dick or flopping tit can stop him on the sidewalk and say ‘so hey jackass why don’t YOU get the fuck out of our country because you clearly don’t give a shit about it?’

I want his name to have, forever and in every textual recording of his activities heretofore, a large bolded subtitle proclaiming that he was absolutely crushed in the elections of 2016, and that his cravenness, hypocrisy, and greed effectively ushered the United States’ lean toward more progressive, inclusive government. And I want it to be abundantly clear that any future politician of his ilk will be rightly regarded as the scumbag he is, and that any such a politician will never be welcome in the United States again.

HE is the Earth I want scorched and salted, and I want him to experience every last second of that scorching and salting.


One word: Discovery.


That is what “to the pain” means.



That could be very interesting.

Too bad there isn’t time for that before November.

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I would imagine the NYT’s legal staff is looking something like this right now:


Trump doesn’t realize that when you’re in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging.

He seemed to imply that a People magazine reporter who accused him of kissing her against her will wasn’t attractive enough: “Take a look. You look at her. Look at her words. You tell me what you think. I don’t think so.”



Come on.

Do you really think that losing in a landslide will leave Trump in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever?

Actually, you know, now that I think about it…


That… sniff… that is just soooo beautiful. I salute you!


Let’s make this one hit 100 likes, people!


Hum. I do admire the way you think…kind of like a gut shot instead of a quick easy out. He needs to be a flopping roadkill on the highway back to America trying to be a decent country!


I’m disappointed that so many of my fellow men see Trump’s life as a desirable power-fantasy.


you’re a disgusting human being!

How is it that so, soooo many of Trump’s insults and accusations would be best directed at his mirror?

Something a little funny in that big orange head…

Try to muster even the smallest amount of shock that the journalist he shouted this at was a woman.



Oh, Donald. You want to tangle with the Times? Their legal department LIVES for shit like this. You can bet that story was check six-ways-from-sunday by everyone (including legal!) before it ever saw the light of day. You want to start some shit with them?

Trump doesn’t have the stones. Like so much else with him, it’s all hollow bluster and bullshit.


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