Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic party nomination for president

Maybe because you literally said

just before making a highly self-congratulatory statement about your own intelligence.


I find this a little disingenuous, though. The Democrats put together a platform and Clinton went up there and said, “You know that platform we put together, I’m talking it up.” Yes, you can point to the fact that only months ago Clinton was on the opposite side of some of those issues, but then after the platform was created, she lined up. Maybe that is a good thing. Maybe we can trust Clinton to deliver on everything from free college tuition to continuing to incinerate brown people halfway around the globe for no reason. Like the onion article:

I think at this point I have a very good idea of what the Democratic party is for. I think it’s what they wrote down. Some of it is shitty, but I know what it is.



And you read that as literally everybody in the world? You decided to completely ignore the context? And I am not ashamed for being happy that I, among many others, took the time and effort to learn what school didn’t teach me: how to learn and how to think. I don’t think there is anything shameful or arrogant at all in that statement. Especially at a time like this. I do my best to listen to others and to be as humble as humanly possible in all aspects of my life. Which isn’t too hard, considering my demographics. If we’re being honest, you are shitting on my because I was being critical. You’ve stated a few times now your disdain for Clinton critics. Just own that instead of acting like a dick.

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OK, you win.



Oh for fuck’s sake dude. You’re acting ridiculous. You are completely misrepresenting what I said. Lawyer it as much as you want. I tried to explain myself several times because I like and respect all of you (even the Clinton/Democrat apologists), and didn’t like how you were misrepresenting me. But I’m not going to keep talking with you when you refuse to listen to anything I say.

It was pretty obvious my comment was directed at Clinton-cheerleading Democrats. Did you want to update that cartoon? Did you also want to explain your insinuation that I am a sexist?

This wasn’t directed at me (the “Classy” remark was) but no, I read:

as applying to the women (@Jilly, @xeni, et al), who were the only ones I noticed having an especially positive emotional reaction to this news.


Ice, ice, baby; too cold, too cold.


What’s cooler than being cool?




I think you were trying to cite @thirdworldtaxi on that second one but hit the bug where someone else (often me) gets incorrectly set as the user. When you were writing the reply do remember if it looked like everything was replying to thirdworldtaxi?

No, no. It was my own (most grievous) fault this time. I confused one “why is everyone celebrating?” post with another by a different author, and quoted the wrong one.

Mea culpa, don’t blame the BBS for that one.

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On a side note, that is the most adorable photo of Ice Cube I’ve ever seen.



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I think that’s fair enough, though - that’s what he was talking about. I linked that Onion article elsewhere, and I think it’s obvious that Clinton is effectively running as Obama’s third term. The Dems are casting their net wide, and fair enough, I guess. If the GOP really want to pick the angry cheeto and leave a big open goal, makes sense to go with the land grab, even if the ra ra ra patriotism stuff is something I find deeply disquieting.

I think, at this point, the Dem platform is about as progressive as it’s going to get, we need to recognize that most of us here are way out on the left, and the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.

Going back to late last year, when Sanders entered, ostensibly to raise issues on the left, and Clinton was expected to canter to victory without a challenge, would we have taken this?

It’s like Scalzi says here:

Again, someone elsewhere said it first, and I’m just repeating it because it’s true: This year is not about Democrat versus Republican, or conservative versus liberal, it’s about normal versus highly fucking abnormal. The conventions were just the easiest compare-and-contrast manifestation of that schism. You may not like the Democrats, but they’re coloring inside the lines. The GOP isn’t coloring inside the lines; they’re not even coloring inside the book or using crayons. What they’re doing is splashing pig’s blood on a wall and scrawling ALL HAIL THE ANGRY CHEETO with the gore. This is where we are in 2016, and it does us no good to pretend otherwise.


I’ve been saying here for the best part of a year that once Hillary got the nomination, the vast majority of BB would stand up, line up, get in formation, and salute.

Some here told me I was wrong.

They were.

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