Hillary Clinton's 404 page

Maybe Monica is available to intern for Hillary?

Commenters are going to have to come up with better jokes than Lewinsky lines just as non-emailing Tea Partiers need to come up with better criticism than email practices. Or is everyone just going to let this thing happen?

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Is the highest profile challenger to Clintonā€™s nomination really going to end up being Lincoln Chafee?

The guy was a Republican senator for 8 years.

I get why Warren doesnā€™t want to run, but it still sucks.

For comedy value, I asked the 2nd amendment Militia type at work what he thought of Clinton running. Heā€™s predicting states seceding from the Union if she wins.

Not that he has anything against female Presidents.

FWIW, Warren was no more acceptable to him. Nor, perhaps oddly, was Rice.


!!! Ahhh, never forget that if youā€™re cold you can bask in the white hot burning rage of conservatives just by mentioning Hillary or Obama.

And I see this as a huge weaknessā€“if the Dems are too lazy to find candidates other than Hillary, then the GOP only has to formulate strategies against one person. Thatā€™s a long time for Hillary to take direct fireā€¦


Seems to me she only "illegally"deleted emails IF the emails were official State Dept business. If she only deleted personal emails then that wasnā€™t breaking any laws. [edit: Of course, we donā€™t really know what she deleted.]

Now, if the issue is that she used a personal email address for official business, then things are more complicated, perhaps sinister looking, but not necessarily illegal either. It certainly leaves her room to hide incriminating evidence, but that alone is not proof she did delete incriminating emails (of course, the way the GOP operates now, ā€œabsence of evidence is automatically evidence of absenceā€-- they can insinuate all kinds of crimes here, and if we never find proof that only means she was perfect in her cover-up.)

A bigger issue is whether her personal server was secure. Iā€™m not sure anyone can answer that.

So, is this crime comparable to murder, or a parking ticket? I guess it depends whether you like Hillary or not. I personally think it should not be allowed, and note some prominent GOP presidential hopefuls committed the same ā€œcrimeā€ while Governor (Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin)-- except like Clinton it may not have been expressly forbidden by any laws at the time they did it.


Speaking as a leftist, keeping her email off of government servers means that thereā€™s no audit trail and no record of her communications as Secretary of State and it also potentially left her vulnerable to snooping. We donā€™t know if she was snooped. We donā€™t know if she broke the law as SoS. We canā€™t know, because she broke with normal procedures and thus nothing is transparent or discoverable. the federal government has an IT department for very good reasons.

This isnā€™t a ā€˜tea party criticismā€™ about ā€˜email practicesā€™, itā€™s concern about government transparency and procedures. I find the apathy about this to be perplexing, but I guess most people arenā€™t very computer literate. Still, Iā€™d expect a bit more from BoingBoing readers, at least.

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Haha, look at those outfits. That picture^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hentire campaign is such a throwback to a previous decade!

Iā€™m a BB reader and I donā€™t give two shits what you expect from me, so thereā€™s that. Sorry, but that line always chafes, regardless of the audience being mentioned. And, FWIW, this isnā€™t the first post on BB regarding Hillaryā€™s Homebuilt (State Department) Happenstance Email Server.

There are others, but Iā€™ll leave it to you to find them if youā€™re interested.

That said, I agree with you about the email issue. Itā€™s a big problem for me that she did what she did with the emails, and her non-apology didnā€™t do anything but annoy me. The do-first, ask-later thing the Clintons tend to do works well on a non-networked dev system that can be rebuilt rapidly at little to no costā€“it tends to work terribly in governance. And should she win the Presidency, I havenā€™t heard anything to suggest that sheā€™d do anything differently.

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We would have also accepted ā€œYour URL is all ducked up.ā€

Thatā€™s plain wrong. It was standard practice to use personal email, and was legal under state law, but Federal law had been changed making it illegal. No matter what you think of the breach, it wasnā€™t a break with standard practice.

Do any of these guys remember what they predicted when Obama was on the verge of becoming President back in 2008?

This kinda sums up most of what is wrong with the GOP today, 1.) their base is completely paranoid and prone to wild conspiracy theories (imagine if the Democratic base was all 9-11 ā€œtruthersā€ and Hillary had to answer questions about ā€œBuilding 7ā€ at every event), and 2.) they live almost completely inside a bubble or echo-chamber, where information that contradicts their worldview is treated as liberal propaganda, while fanciful notions of how the world works are treated as definite possibilities (the actual logistics of a state seceding from the union-- borders, security, economics, laws, populations-- would wreak bigger havoc than having another tepid Democrat in the White House.)

You should bet that guy some good money on his prediction, or at least get him to buy pizza for the office if heā€™s wrong.

Yeah but that doesnā€™t help with how your avatar appears to other people.

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