Horrifying video of cops trying to pry baby away from mom all because she sat on the floor

I can’t stand still for more than about five minutes. Its something about my left leg. I can walk or cycle for hours but standing still causes pain and weakness. So I would have to sit on something if I had to wait in line for hours. Thats just how it is and it doesn’t deserve a “ticket”.

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She’s still locked up.


In a notoriously corrupt and violent facility, under a Federal consent decree for abuse of prisoners, that the city has been trying for a long time to close. A facility that has over nine thousand assaults annually, a number roughly equal to its inmate population, about 85% of whom are convicted of no crime, but merely awaiting trial, unable to make (or denied) bail.


The lady and her child are Black, and that changes the normal rules of etiquette. It’s good thing the king’s knouters could be summoned in a hurry! Fuck da poleece!.

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Could be. But it seems Brooklyn prefers to issue citation for fire code violation and only seems to make arrests when there is a failure to appear in court or, as in this case, it’s used as an excuse to oppress someone.

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That sounds like the punch line to another joke I know… I’ll change it to reflect the pirate motif.

A man stops in to a pub on a coastal town. It is fairly empty and he takes a seat at the bar near another person who appears to be a pirate and already a few drinks in, with a bottle of whisky and shot glass in hand. It doesn’t take long before the pirate scoots over a few seats and addresses the stranger.

“Hey. Hey! Hey, you see that ship out in the harbor? The one with the black sails? That’s my ship. Made the sails me self. But do they call me Black Sail Willy? Noooo!”

The pirate slams his drink and pours another.

“Didja notice the cannons? I got, I got 5 cannons on each side of my ship. Modified it myself for more fire power. But do they call me 10 Cannon Willy? Nooooo!”

He slams two drinks before continuing…

“Perhaps you noticed me hat. It’s scarlet red with matching ostrich feathers - all the way from Africa. But do they call me Scarlet Hat Willy? Or even Red Hat Willy? Nooooo!”

He foregoes the glass and just takes a chug from the bottle.

“But you have shit run down your leg one time…”


There is now a GoFundMe for her:


The charges have been dropped.


Great! Now…where are the child endangerment and felony assault charges for the arresting police officers?


Charges Dropped Against Brooklyn Mother Who Had Baby Ripped from Her Arms by Police https://nyti.ms/2zSE96w


The NYPD and HRA say there’s more to the story that will come out after review of the video, specifically that the peace officers were injured by Headley.

“We were armed and wailing on her and threatened people with a tazer, and it’s entirely justified because an officer got an owie.”
She was holding a baby. How in the hell is she going to seriously harm someone?



So sad the direction we are going. People will have a breaking point, and if you look back in history, it is never pretty.
Post these PIGS faces with this video all over so they can be spit on. (not all officers are PIGS. They have a really hard job but shit like this can’t stand!)

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Never spit on any one, no matter how much you think/feel they deserver it.

Also, never spit/pea into the wind.

It’s legally considered to be assault… as well as immediate grounds for an ass whuppin’, just in general.


Yup. And these guys have demonstrated that they are more than willing to both press charges and deliver an ass whupping.

If that’s going to be the outcome, make sure it’s worth it. I am not saying ignore these things, but be aware of the consequences. And don’t ask other people to do something that you¹ aren’t willing² to do (and not just in your safe bubble where the situation is unlikely to ever occur). In other words, use your privilege but don’t hide behind it.

¹Generic “you”.
² Able might be another story.


Real talk.

Gotta pick your battles wisely, try not to fight all the time, and when you do have to fight, fight to win.


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