How about we fix America by just turning Oklahoma into a giant lake?

Your anecdotal experience of the great state of Oklahoma differs markedly from my own anecdotal experience thereof.

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It’s called the Great Plains. Very complex ecosystem. Just because it wasn’t optimized for white people to plant cash crops doesn’t mean it wasn’t a vibrant and functional land.


The natives who lived there were nomads, compared to natives elsewhere who did farm, so I don’t understand why you had to bring your racism into it.

You’re the one who disrespected the flora and fauna of Oklahoma for not being what you thought they should be.


The problems Libertarians have is that if they actually had to live in a libertarian system, they would be eaten alive by people with far better skills and resources as them. It only works if you are a Libertarian in a system where they can socialize losses and rely on regulations in case of failure.

Your average Ayn Randroid gets by due to being a raging asshole in a world where most people aren’t raging assholes. But in a world of nothing but raging assholes, they are not so special anymore.


but the US inquiry was academic and thus much more sophisticated, while the Dutch only solved the boring blue-collar engineering : )



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