How and Why God Made Various Animals

God: You know those silly hoses I put on men?
Angels (getting fed up with this shit): …penises?
God: Yeah those! I want some of them to bury themselves in the ground for people to find and eat later.
Angel: What the FUCK?
God: Oh you’re right, good idea, we should put a hard shell on it to make sure that the dangly bits don’t get crushed while they’re burrowing in the mud.
Angel (rolling eyes): You’re the boss.
God: Oh, and one more thing…
God: Fuck that spelling right up.


Jesus : whsipering Psst! Make them poop cubes!


Animals move seeds. Seeds grow plants. Everything that dies falls into a fungal network, and goes from corpse to dirt, until an animal comes by…

If you’re going to poop cubes, you’d damn well better make sure your butt is armored (and that you have some nice soft TP for the aftermath…


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