How bad can three cats be? These naughty kitties will show you (video)

Bengals derive from Asian Leopard Cats, rather than Servals. They are sufficiently weirdly bred that our boy had 7 nipples, which is definitely an odd number to have.

TIL there are Ashera cats, made by mixing Asian Leopard Cats with Servals with domestics, yours for $100K.


I do not understand these words. No cat pic is ever gratuitous.


Excuse Me What GIF by Nickelodeon

I think I’ll stick to rescues


My two cats are definitely troublemakers. One is the intellectual planner, while the other dives fearlessly into mischief. Like the velociraptors in Jurassic Park, they combine forces to cause all manners of mayhem. You can almost see the equations floating above their heads.

And, yes, we have had to childproof much of our home. Doors to rooms we don’t want them in have locks on the outside, flat door handles were replaced with round ones, cabinets have child locks on them, any exposed electrical cord that can’t be hidden is wrapped, windows must remain closed at night (or only cracked), and many things have to be put away every night. And it’s not even like they don’t get constant attention or anything — they are just little shits. But I love them.


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