Originally published at: How bad can three cats be? These naughty kitties will show you (video) | Boing Boing
I see 3 kitties in desperate need of a water gun to the face.
The one doing the most mischief is a Bengal cat. They need exercise and stimulation or they will destroy things out of curiosity and boredom.
a laser pointer would go a long way
We get the cats we deserve.
If you’re going to put that many desperados in one place you really need supermax levels of security.
Beware of cats who think you deserve “gifts” in unexpected places like shoes and slippers:
We get the cats that we can survive.
I’m guessing they all are? Bengals don’t all look alike. I had a brother and sister, one of whom looked just like the miscreant here, the other yellow with spots. There were others in the family that were streaky gray like one of the others here. Ours were mischievous but not like this!
(...for the record: don't do it!, irl NOT ok)
Buuut... this is 💯the opener for a new procedural where cats on meth attempt to solve crimes.It’s like Monk; the jitteriness & obsessive attention to detail _—until distracted by a falling leaf— is part of ‘the process’
How about four cats?
How about fork hats?
Sorry, my only excuse is the Two Ronnies.
How bad can any cat be?
Those are Bengals. Also known as SPOTTED WRECKING BALLS.
Yeah, it was my first thought that those aren’t bad kitties, those are bored kitties. I only have 1 high energy cat, but he needs to be run around chasing every day, or he begins to look for some other source of stimulation. I don’t know how I’d deal with 3 high energy cats in one apartment. Oy.
I have four. A void boi, a pickle-shaped one, a fluffy terrorist with a squirrel tail and, well, the orange.
The shenanigans never stop.
One cat of Cerval lineage is plenty of cat. The thought of having more than one in the house at the same time is scaring the crap out of me.
My son’s Savannah is 3.5 years old, and starting to settle down. He only tried to climb the tree twice this year and only ate through one strand of the wiring for the Christmas lights. Last year, he decimated the lights that came on the tree. Progress!
I sometimes wonder if the princess of our house is part Bengal. She’s a rescue and it would explain both her energy level and size.
Gratuitous cat pic warning. She’s the short hair
I wonder if the idea was they would keep each other entertained? If so, doesn’t appear to be working
Fortunately, F3’s are a bit smaller than Grandma Cerval there.