Woman folk input. Yeah… Have been thinking the whole day about it. (not constantly off course, lots of gardening things to do etc). And I’m afraid my input is not that helpful.
Working for 20 + years now in, let’s call it IT.
And a period I was young and fightfull, but that never made friends and big things made to be done without friends, noop, does not work. (luckily I’m a soloer, so the small things got done).
A period went like this: ‘a meeting’: I talk about an idea for whatever (testing, growing, new OS, machinery, code, you name it). Everybody at the table ignores the idea/me. At the end of the meeting some male colleague comes with the same idea, everybody is listening, and it gets a follow up.
A period I could live with that, the idea is more important than personal gain or honour. Free, open source, etc, the idealistic dream world I was living in.
But than, I was marginalised, forgotten with raises or position, you know what happens in companies. And that was not a good feeling.
I could have stayed there, reasonable cool job, master of a lot of Unix and a few Linux boxes. Think about Cray, Silicon Graphics, Sun, IBM, etc. And sometimes I wonder why I left, sure paid, comfortable, only mention extra work, and other peeps got away with it. Literally
But I did not. Started at another company, turned out it was all (no joke) mysoginist. Really, bad time. The field of work was interesting, some people over there also, but noop, again.
At that point I started to realise it was me in combination with the whole mostly man IT crowd who made it into a problem. Not being able to do what I wanted to do professional. Not able, and not having the (social) skills to make my self heard.
So I started my own one person company, working at project base. If people want something from me, they have to be listening. And I also need to be listening. It’s not always easy, keeping yourself on your own. But maybe for me the best solution.