How defunding Planned Parenthood killed Star Wars' Old Republic

Your right, I’m not trying, its a movie made by a narrow minded director that didn’t even want to make the Prequels in the first place. The Expanded Universe has a lot better storytelling than all VI Lucas films combined. Those stories are New York Best Sellers or the author is a Best Seller.

And sorry but it is the ugly truth, that yes, it is what the man is doing & wants because that just so happens to be who the ovarall story revolves around, he is the Chosen One.

A Skywalker turns to the dark side and has to be redeemed by a family member! Planet-destroying superweapons! Killing the Emperor again!

*NOTE: Stories contain less than 40% original plot points and do not meet USDA guidelines for literary consumption.


Again taking the quote in isolation, it is story plot motivated as to why they don’t find out they have twins until it is too late

As futuristic as everything is i know, trust me i know, there is zero excuse as to why they didn’t or anyone else know that Padmé was carrying twins

I even went over it in my head, Why didn’t Yoda, being as powerful as he is, sense that Padmé had twins, because even Yoda was surprised to find out she had twins.

It is simply something that for whatever reason Lucas want to put in the movie


As for her dying, it is understand that the Force has a spiritual aspect to it, Yoda in Episode V saying that size doesn’t matter and that the Force will do what it must.

If the robot doesn’t find anything it can only be blamed on 1: the Force 2: Lucas 3: the robot was busted and didn’t detect Padmé’s heart failing

I don’t think you know what the Expanded Universe is, and if you do, your nitpicking because the fall of Luke is not what i am referring to or Caedus

But actually the Old Republic novels

Doesn’t stop it from being ever so fatal


Yes it bloody well does if you’re in a hospital under competent medical supervision. There are all kinds of treatments doctors can try because, again, heart failure brought on by emotional trauma is a medical condition. You die when your ticker stops beating, not when your “will” gives out.


As for him turning to the Dark side

The dreams he has aren’t normal dreams, he understands that they are coming from the Force since he states that he got the same ones from his mom

Since they aren’t conventional dreams he gets the idea that the solution is also not conventional

But again this is just trying to rationalize

I already said time and again that Lucas is just throwing things in for plot, not out of logic

It’s the crap that bottom rung SF writers did on contract so Lucas could make money off of 12 year old fan boys, right? Luckily, Disney killed it all for us.


We don’t know anything about Padme’s reproductive functions or medical condition because none of these characters are homo sapiens. She might not even have a uterus! Maybe dying from sadness is a common thing amongst her species from another galaxy.


It’s shitty writing that would only make sense in a universe that didn’t have basic reproductive health care. Plain and simple.


It’s funny how that article mentions things from the time span I’m not even talking about

I like the novels

Force Unleashed

They’re actually insects that we’re just shown in our frame of reference as humans.


Good for you? It has nothing to do with the movies since the EU isn’t canon.

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You see, its the writting, its the plot holes that make it all happen

The most anyone can do to justify from within the universe is what i said
Its the Force, or its the robot, or both

But in reality its Lucas

Lucas himself had a bad relationship with his father. I’m pretty sure that’s where this all comes from.

What i said about the Expanded Universe is that it has better writting

I never bothered to mention if it was canon or not

And so far those novels hold up compared to Disney’s SW Rebels series & the new movies

The new movies are fine, but they don’t have the same writting style as the books

But at that point it just becomes a matter of opinion, but what do you care, you’re just trolling around

Better than what? This movie? Uh, no. See previous .gif.

Thank the Force.
The EU is drek for teenagers and fan boys. Quality was never its hallmark. It was jettisoned for a reason.


Ah, something like the way the Spiders are represented by the Qeng Ho’s translation interfaces in A Deepness In The Sky. (Not as humans, but as cuter and more relatable versions of their actual physical forms.)


How old are you? 12?

We understand the idea just fine. We’re saying the execution of all the prequels was trash. They’re so badly written and executed and do so poorly at explaining Anikin’s story, that I wouldn’t show them to my children for fear of it giving them cancer.


May I?