How everyone in Ireland feels about the British royal wedding

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My wife has often wondered why when I get heated about certain things I sound exactly like this. Clearly it’s an Irish thing.



In case his last exclamation was unintelligible, he’s saying “Up the RA!” (IRA).


Something about the Irish accent, it just sounds so good when they’re yelling.


Maybe if there’s reincarnation I could come back as someone married to a woman with an Irish accent.

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Was the wedding yesterday? It wasn’t even a blip on the news in Tijuana, at least while I was watching at the laundromat.

Also, why don’t people kick up so much fuss about Scandinavian (or other) royal weddings?

ETA: I’m a US citizen, and apparently, my post needs a “/s” designation.


Oh, my tea!


I’m sure they wished the happy couple well & marital bliss.


Because those nations didn’t enslave and pillage half the world. Some of them tried, but the English were unparalleled in their monstrosity. In Europe, anyway.


Lucky the Leprechaun will be the next Apu.

“Who said that you could appropriate my pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, and green clovers ?”

England has a HUGE historical connection to the United States that started with the Colonies. After the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, we became deeply allied and our bond was solidified during WWI & II. There is no other country with whom the United States shares a deeper bond. I know Mexico has a cultural connection to Argentina and Argentina is also tight with Spain but their relationships are not even in the same ballpark as the relationship between the US & Great Britain. Living in Tijuana and trying to understand it is as if you are trying to follow a baseball game while sitting outside the stadium in the parking lot.

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The royal family are not special; dunno why myself or anyone else should care.


I will admit that we are now effectively arguing over whether Hitler or Stalin was worse.


And have her after you like that? :joy:

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No reason they shouldn’t suffer like the rest of us…

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Yeah, because republics are so great. Maybe we should rid get of the royals, get rid of the House of Lords, chop a couple of heads, … and install a Lord Protector install of a monarch. I remember that that worked out well for Ireland before.

Oh yeah, the Dutch are forever marked, especially when you calculate the toll that the enslavement and exploitation of Africa had. I guess if I were descended from one of the groups that they oppressed, I’d be a bit more bitter about them as well, but for my lineage no one holds a candle to the Brits. I’m a few generations removed, but I understand this guy’s rage, if not the conflicted affection.


And to this day, these nations are some of the most advanced liberal democracies with vast social security networks and an incredibly high quality of life. Unless you’re from one of the former colonies, of course.

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