Don’t forget the Amalekites!
It gets really confusing when you quiz them on whether or not God made us? And what God made us from, then? And if everything was made from God’s will and of God’s presence, then wouldn’t condemning well over half of us to hell be, in effect, sending well over half of God to hell?
Gawd wanted to do a spin-off series but the studio execs demanded they clean up all the old characters from the original before they could reboot.
The Ark was eerily similar to the Florida condo in Golden Girls.
The who now?
Nice try, trying to trip me up with your “logic”.
It’s “mysterious ways” all the way down.
Eeehhhh - there is a lot of death in the Old Testament. I mean, the Passover story is pretty grim.
In fairness, it was the Catholics that made it up. Protestants didn’t care until the Right were fishing around for a new wedge issue. But yeah, not backed up with an abundance of scripture.
Kind of a cop out to literally say “we actively disbelieve in most of our religious texts”.
Yep. There are at least eight different versions of the Ten Commandments. If you were to ask a Jew, an Orthodox Christian, a Catholic, a Lutheran, and a Presbyterian to list the Ten Commandments, you will get five different answers. Possibly six.
Besides, according to Jesus, there are only two commandments: love God, and love thy neighbor as thyself. But both these commandments are antithetical to the teachings of Murkastani Republican Jesus, so…
Ooh ooh, I know that one because I once asked a very Christian friend that very question.
I was told God gave man dominion over animals which they believe means they can do whatever they want with animals.
Also, animals don’t have souls so they don’t count.
Don’t you know there ain’t no Devil, there’s just God when He’s drunk. —Tom Waits
Which explains why Rick Santorum approves of “man on dog” more than he approves of same sex marriage.
Yes, and no. I was taught both, that Jesus’ own commandments summarize, support and add rather than replace.
I don’t think I’ve ever actually met a person who argues that the OT is invalid because of Jesus’ new covenant.
If that were the case, a lot more people would be keeping kosher than actually do…
This. And the blustering you get when you tell them that! (It’s kinda fun, honestly.)
Probably more relevant than the mythic narrative is that the explicit rules set out in Leviticus (which, to be clear SHOULD NOT BE WHAT WE BASE OUR LAWS AND ETHICS ON) explictly punish inducing a miscarriage more lightly than murder, making it clear that the actions are not identical or morally equivalent in the book of that collection of books that most explicitly lays out rules of conduct.
- Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
And by fulfilling them, ended them. It’s how we get around a lot of the more onerous OT restrictions, dontcha know?
Also, one of the best books of the Bible, Ecclesiastes says that the lives of human and non-human animals or more or less equivalent, morally speaking, since we all end up in the dirt in the end (as a text, the Bible also doesn’t really affirm the idea of an afterlife, which is something else that rankles contemporary “Christians” to no end - especially the fact that Hell is totally not a thing).
Because shellfish are tasty but Teh Ghey are still evil, I guess
i’m super rusty on my bibilical fairy tales, but i thought the ark was just to save Noah and his family, not every human in his neighborhood. so the question is kind of incorrect on its face, anyway.
Can’t get much more genocidal than the story of Noah and the flood that killed almost everyone.