How to: avenge yourself on the Republicans who voted to nuke your healthcare

Bernie Sanders needs to be the Democratic minority leader, not Pelosi.


Yeah dude open yourself up to massive debt just to fuck with the insurance companies in a move that clearly won’t work. Great plan dude.


I don’t think we are on the same page. You seem to think private insurance can be fixed. It can’t. Kicking that ball down the road further is leaving millions to leave unpaid healthcare bills to loved ones.

If you can’t participate that’s understandable, but don’t be an obstruction, at least.

So it’s an obstruction to want to have broken, but usable health coverage over having none at all? I’m not going to risk that amount of debt (and have to pay significantly more for my current medications) just for your revolution. You shouldn’t have to risk even more people’s health to fix the system. If that’s your plan, you’re not going to get a lot of support. People have conditions, medications, surgeries, cancers, and families.

How about I keep my current health coverage until the better one is introduced? If that’s not possible, then change isn’t possible because you won’t find enough support from people with “good enough” health coverage.


Breaking private insurance is not the end goal, that’s the tool to demand single payer.

Are you upset that others being denied coverage keeps your rates low?

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No, I don’t think that. I think it is going to take years of political work and activism and slow weaning if it is to happen at all. The Insurance industry is huge, rich, and has influence over healthcare providers, patients, employees, and politicians. It is a massive hydra that is not going to give up trillions of dollars in revenue and all the political power it wields without a long fight. And asking the insured to self-sacrifice for a half baked plan is not fair or prudent.

An obstruction to what?


Yes, but not enough to bankrupt myself. You don’t save a drowning person by jumping into the water and drowning also.


If only that were true! Especially with regards to yoga = hinduism = brown people - except for those who prefer to view those traditions from a more imperialist/colonial POV.

I meant Columbused yoga, not necessarily the real thing.

So when is the right time? After you naysaying early protest, then get denied coverage anyway?

Quit waiting for a hero, no one else is going to save you.

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Telling everyone else to wait while you have coverage is a position of privilege.

I have floated this idea on a few platforms and all it has done is reenforce the idea.

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You know what? You can contribute however much you want to this fund, but the assholes that are taking away your healthcare are going to be doing just fine. Just dandy. And you can bet your ass they are well insured.


Do you realize that you are advocating for people to ruin their lives? Not everyone will boycott private insurance, so anyone who does to try to break the system will just go without. My doctor says I’ll die within ten years if I don’t take my blood pressure and cholesterol meds. Without them I have extreme hypertension. I can’t afford the street cost of these medications without my coverage. You don’t seem to understand what you’re asking of people. It’s not practical or even humane.


I’m not saying everyone should do it, just enough. But to sit there in a position of privilege, with insurance, and telling the rest of us to wait for maybe some sort of change is ridiculous.

Insurance companies deal with billions of dollars every year.

It would take a significant portion of their customers eliminating their accounts in order to make them notice any difference whatsoever.

And in the meantime, those boycotting would be risking their own lives.

I think there’s more effective ways to spur change.



I do not believe you’re right. The difference below is far more than is necessary to sway ANY election, and no one has suggested that suppression of registration can account for it. Felons would not be counted as eligible.
Total number of Americans eligible to vote 218,959,000
Total number of Americans registered to vote 146,311,000

Sanders is not registered as a Democrat, so that seems unlikely.

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I went years without insurance myself, and had to pay over three thousand out of pocket in uncovered medical bills.

If you would like to boycott, and put yourself at risk, I fully support your choice, but I think the odds are slim and that there are better ways.


But to sit there in a position of privilege, with insurance, and telling the rest of us to wait for maybe some sort of change is ridiculous.

You’re falsely equating not quitting my own life-saving coverage for telling others to wait. I support single payer. I voted for Bernie. I’ll vote for candidates who support single payer. But unless you have a practical suggestion rather than a suicidal one, I’m not going to just quit my coverage for the sake of a bad, ineffective idea.

You’re proposing that the solution to world hunger is for other people who have food to starve to death until everyone has enough food. If health coverage is important (and it definitely is), you don’t go without it to try to make a point that the wealthy and powerful won’t notice or care about.

Yes, I recognize I’m fortunate to have coverage that takes care of my medical condition. I abhor the fact that others don’t. But don’t pretend that the most basic, natural sense of self-preservation is the same thing as privileged indifference to the suffering of others. When the cabin loses pressure, you put your own mask on first because you can’t save anyone else if you’re passed out or dead.