Originally published at: How to ride a Ptserosaur | Boing Boing
Wait a minute! Supposing two `s̶w̶a̶l̶l̶o̶w̶s Hatzegopteryx carried 'im together?
No, they’d have to have 'im on a line.
Well, simple! They’d just use a s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶c̶r̶e̶e̶p̶e̶r well designed hammock between them
African Hatzegopteryx or European ones?
Still can’t believe pterosaurs were real things. Those giant noggins are just completely absurd, much less on a flying creature. Sure, sure hollow bones, but still - that enormous bonce just isn’t credible.
Using a saddle to distribute the weight and hanging on with both hands certainly seems like a better idea than the Penguin’s approach.
Also less… uh… suggestive.
It could grip the human by its husk!
In the video, the Hatzegopteryx’s feet looked very human-esque and that seemed off. Was Rob Liefeld on the animation team?
And have people think that I have aligned myself with the old-timers. I think not!
Don’t be silly. Rob Liefeld doesn’t know how to draw human feet.
Actually, I think if the ptserosaur had its way, you’d be riding in the mouth or gullet.
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