Just wait til they’re sleeping! Or just wait for the new baby… either way.
I knew someone who could do this.
I never wanted to know how or why
Safe for the child?. . . or safe for the object?
When I was, I dunno, three or four, I stuck an orange seed up my nose. Our family doctor made a house call and removed it with a sterilized, old-fashioned buttonhook. This would’ve been 1968-69.
Or safe for you?
Suppose the child blows first? I might lose all those tiny objects I store up my nostrils.
“I said your ear Peewee, not your rear!”
– Captain Carl
Those are for boogers exclusively, right?
This is the most idiotic and dangerous “lifehack” I’ve ever seen. I am an ENT surgeon and do not recommend this! You may blow a hole in your child’s lungs (pneumothorax) or ear drum. Just see a doctor in this situation.
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