Technically the problems start when they get out of the “habit”, but not always. I did know an ex-nun who was excommunicated because she interrupted communion to yell at the priest she’d been having sex with because she found out he was also banging one of the other nuns.
Is that Commander Whorf!??
*unreleased time-travel episode of TNG!
I have heard stories about lesbians who were persuaded by the Catholic Church to become nuns, but found out that a convent is a really bad place to be if you are attracted to other women. Putting gay people into a place where they are surrounded by celibate people of the same sex doesn’t work well for some reason.
She’s having nun of that (forgive me, father, for I have sinned)
How do you say “fuck off” in Italian?
(Note: Yes, I could look it up. Actually getting the phrase isn’t important to my post.)
Yes, I know you didn’t ask for this (explicitly), but I love reverso:
Plot twist: She doesn’t actually approve of anybody kissing in public.
That’s Sister Karena to you!
quoth the wikipedia:
He was a prolific pornographer in his spare time with an emphasis on analingus.[1]
Also, is Karena the new Karen? Or does it just apply to nuns?
Mind. Your. Own. Business.
In fact, make it a habit. If she were really concerned about improper sexual behavior, she’d be better served to keep a close eye on the parish priests instead of bothering civilians.
I know two folks for whom that worked out exceedingly well. They’ve been together for over fifty years.
Yes, it’s fine in the convent, it’s the uncovent-tional marriage that they find troublesome.
It’s always fun to walk down the street behind a nun in Italy and see how many men surreptitiously touch their groins. Supposedly, seeing a nun is bad luck because they’re associated with cemeteries and hospitals, hence the need to grab your nuts to avert misfortune. But while there are other gestures you can make to avert the evil eye, for some reason nuns always seem to evoke the sneaky ball touch. My assumption has always been that they just have the reputation of being buzz kills and anti-sex, so touching base with your family jewels is intended to make sure you don’t come down with a sudden case of contagious chastity.
“Ehi che fate?”
“Vaffanculo, suora. Fatti cazzi suoi.”
I learned it as “va fongu,” (phonetically) said while flicking the back of your fingers out from under your chin. The hand gesture alone works, and I use it often. Enjoy!