Originally published at: Nun chases and tackles activist during rowdy protest (video) | Boing Boing
I believe getting a throwdown from a woman in a habit is called a “nun-chuck.”
Beat me to it by sixty seconds.
How to make your street cred vanish…
Thread closed due to comment perfection.
They’re religious fanatics who have dedicated their lives to the service of an invisible super being. What about that sounds reasonable?
The protesters in that video were activley stealing and destroying construction supplies so I think the “public order” option was pretty much out the window already.
My direct experience of nuns is limited to a couple months in a Catholic hospital when I was a kid. The nurses there were not a sympathetic bunch, and they definitely would not have tolerated anyone messing with God’s building materials.
Careful; puns can be habit forming.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” -Matthew 5:9
“And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever." -Isaiah 32:17
The church has always leveraged violence to suit their ends.
Is there some more backstory on the “new construction in national park” aspect of all this? That sounds like a…less comical…story than the scuffle part presented here.
I’m also a little surprised at the need for new construction on this scale. Catholicism’s recent market share and customer numbers in France don’t look especially booming.
Yep. I would pity the man more if she had a ruler on her. 0_o
I tried looking and it looks like this park (Monts d’Ardèche pure park) is a regional nature park which does have habitations and small villages in it. It looks like the issue here is that this conservative fringe group (claiming 150 members “mostly in France”) is trying to build a huge church in a tiny village (3500 seat church, a little over 400 villagers). Apparently they think this will grow their group’s influence.
True! Another great thing about them!
Would it be bad to punch a nun in self defense???
With the Holy Spirit guiding them, what makes you think you’ll lay a hand on them?
But Satan scores on the rebound.