Huffy nun breaks up two women kissing in public (video)

Or in a parish. Just a few months after young, charismatic Fr. Cooney’s arrival, he was assigned to another parish. He was “blessing” female congregants.

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Today I learned that yes, there are circumstances where I would punch a nun.


Not quite Abelard and Heloise.


It’s based on a “real” incident

If I were to do that, I’d also have an industrial-sized container of hand sanitizer, and insist they use it!

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As I posted… Not quite Abelard and Heloise. :slightly_smiling_face:


hoo how to give more stick

There are circumstances where a nun would have been forgiven for forcefully retaliating. Ex: In 8th grade, when Crescent Diglio told a classmate that our “Sister Beatrice is a husky [rude name for prostitute]” and with Sr. B standing right behind him and listening in as he said it.

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Can you really “meh” the rest when the rest is pretty much the intro but with extra stuff?

Meh to repeating a good start and not following up on the promise is a fair response I think. It is one of my favourite intros to a song, but fails to deliver for me.

Fair call

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