"I don’t know any man who wants to just snuggle," says anti-Snuggle House city attorney

Good point. I should have said @ild in my previous post:

While I don’t find snuggling overly interesting myself, that’s just patently absurd.

If you have to pay for someone to snuggle with, that is sad and pathetic. Sounds like a weird fetish. However, I don’t care what kind of man you are. If you’re hetero and you’re spooning an attractive woman you don’t really know, you’re gonna get a boner…then you’ll be pining for a “happy ending” to your spooning session.

Jennifer Zilavy spotted.


At the very least someone training for the sting operation.

While the city attorney’s comments where shallow, offensive, and inaccurate, there was legitimate concern for the safety of the snuggle house employees. The opening of the snuggle house was delayed because the city wanted them to set up strict procedures and policies to deal with any over enthusiastic snugglers or perverts. The proposed sting was a means to test these procedures. “We don’t want our police department responding there for sexual assaults all the time. We need to know they’ve thought through protocols in that situation.”

That video is making some strange claims about the police using resources to shut down the snuggle house instead of trying to stop sex trafficking. I call bull on that. Police cannot stop worrying about smaller issues, just because a bigger one exists.

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Oh, you and your complicating explanatory context! Messing up another good, simple, anti-big-gubmint story. :slight_smile:

Regarding the video – must right-wing humor always be so lame?

Good comedy requires creativity, empathy and originality. Those things are for soshulists.

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I can’t watch that show. I’m not sure if it’s the perpetually bewildered expression on the guy’s face, or Gervais laughing at him after he does yet Another stupid thing.

A psychologist will probably tell you that men and women subsume their normal sexual desires to have platonic relationships, because there are many benefits to be had from such cooperation. It’s quite possible and actually quite common. While I often encounter people I’m attracted to, I don’t try to sleep with them all, it’s not really feasible or advisable.

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Of course there’s still the point that even if this was a euphemized cathouse, the proper response to consenting adults selling sex – as with most “vices” – is to legalize, license, ensure quality (have the sex workers come in for regular medical checks and recertification), and protect all participants from abuse. Prohibition creates more and worse problems than it solves.

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