I will get fat eating retro candy

Interesting trivia about those Freestyle machines. They are designed by Pininfarina (yes, the same company that designs many Ferraris).


Sounds like you’re due for a visit to Sweden!

Also: Thanks, internet!


Canadian Mint.

The world is poorer for your passing.

If anybody can hook me up, please reply!

The little newsstand in my office building sells zero bars, Mallo Cups and Clark bars. The supermarket near my home sells Moxie. Bliss.


If in Austin, try this place

Big Top Candy Shop

It’s a candy store and soda fountain. They actually have my favorite horehound drops! Looks like they do not ship, tho.

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They’re not. I’ve seen them in several stores in Chicago. Google around a bit, and I’m sure you’ll find an online option.

What Steampunk banana said, and also, if you can get a shipment from Sweden, do try Champis as well. Similar but different! In theory, Pommac is more apple-oriented, while Champis is more grape-oriented, but in practice, I find them kinda hard to tell apart a lot of the time.

Both should be very well chilled before drinking!

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If we’re talking about oddball soft drinks, one of my favorites is Rivella, the national soft drink of Switzerland, which is a clear, sweet, refreshing drink made with milk whey, of all things. It’s sort of ginger-ale-ish.


There is a soda I used to buy at a headshop (they called themselves a Bazaar, and every went, “right”) called Voodoo soda. Turned yer poop bright green.


Like eating too much black licorice?!?


One candy I miss is Zotz powder. There are still Zotz available today, but you used to be able to buy packets of just the powder.

It’s basically citric acid, sugar, and baking soda. Looks like coke (not the soda) and makes your mouth foam up like old yeller.


No such thing. Harrumph!


Well it wasn’t too much, while I was eating it. But the next day when my morning… erm… routine was bleeding green, that’s a different story. It took me about 15 minutes to figure out what had happened and that I wasn’t actually dying from the colon outward.


Kinda like when you’ve forgotten you’ve eaten a bunch of beets. “911, what’s your emergency?”


Love that description. I now know exactly what it does and how it probably feels.


There is such a thing as too much borscht.


Moxie is definitely an acquired taste…

I have a friend who claims it gives him his gay powers.


Ooooohhh . . . were those big, thick, tablet-shaped mints? They were around the NYC area when I was a kid; hadn’t seen them in years and figured they were a regional brand.

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Here ya go:

I was . . . not impressed. Of course, as mentioned I did buy these at a liquidation grocery for sixteen and a sixth cents and they might have been really, really stale. On the other hand, the last time I got a fresh Twin Bing was in the break room of the Gateway Computer headquarters in 1991 or so, so I don’t know if a fresh one would be any better.


I love how candy and an espresso? evokes similar reactions. You look incredibly happy.:relieved: