Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/23/idiot-pastor-in-ohio-holds-sun.html
We’ll show those godless commies! (Cough cough cough)
The only thing in the US more contagious than coronavirus appears to be stupidity.
If lightning destroys your golden calf - er…grotesque Jesus statue, maybe you should take that as a sign?
In all fairness, this is the butter Jesus! church; when it was destroyed by lightning they just built it again.
They aren’t to up on intelligence.
so shall you reap what you have sown.
What an odd way to justify the decision to keep the church open.
The First Amendment protects you from censorship and religious discrimination. It was never intended as a protection against deadly contagions.
You can’t fill your collection plates as easily if you don’t have the aisles filled.
Well I suppose this is one way for them to learn about natural selection since they weren’t getting that info anywhere else.
(translation: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/angelus/2020/documents/papa-francesco_angelus_20200322.html)
Megachurch. Pfft… This is a megachurch.
And as you can see the square was totally empty and the “angelus” was broadcasted in radio and TV.
“There is no pressure from Solid Rock Church…”
Well, apart from the whole “burning in Hell” thing.
Technically, the Ohio Stay-at-Home Mandate isn’t active until 11:59 PM today, so Sunday was fair game (and the governor specifically exempted churches from any sort of gathering bans in the past, because he didn’t want to navigate that first amendment minefield, I guess).
I’m sure the virus is well aware of that fact, and kindly left the congregation alone.
Lord, beam us up now…
Please help, I’m trying to figure out how to punctuate the words “Oh Jesus” in response to this churches decision to indicate my reaction. There appears to many ways.
And you know fine parishioners, my private jet doesn’t fly unless you’re in your seats on Sunday.
If you’re going to achieve rapture, would you mind burying your own body before you go?
No, no, “The Rapture” is when they get bodily yanked into heaven, while still alive. Of course, they always conveniently forget the bit about only 144,000 people “of the tribe of Israel” getting the nomination, so whatever, man…
I feel like the modern version of a snake handling church in the pandemic is going to be people spitting on eachother and praying for protection. The article is not that much worse.
I knew which church it was the second I read the headline.
however, this image from the “destroyed by lightning” link is gold
thinning the herd…