Idiots and their kids almost become dinner on a wild animal preserve

I think the answer is at 0:25. A big hunk of meat beforehand makes for a docile kitty.

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The parents take the competition to a new level, possibly realising at a lizard-brain level that even if they “win” the award the genetic line of their stupidity may be carried on by their offspring.

This was a lot less fun for me to watch than my semi-annual treat of seeing Christian fundies who enter zoo enclosures to re-enact “Daniel in the Lion’s Den.”


haha. The purring and licking is JUST like one of my little cats.

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I read somewhere that the filming guy (or someone else in his car) had waved and gestured to the french family to try and get them to understand they were in danger. Why he didn’t shout I don’t know. Maybe he didn’t want to agitate the cheetahs?

Okay so yes, it’s amazing that people are that stupid, and terrifying that their child gets wrapped up in their stupidity. But I get it; they’re idiots. What I DON’T understand (and this is possibly because in the video the viewer is “in the car” with the person recording) is why TF the people recording reacted the way they did!

Imagine yourself behind the wheel of the car, actually watching this shit go down. I don’t know about you but I would have been driving fast at those cats, honking like crazy, trying to get my car between the cats and the kid.

If this had gone a little differently the caption could have been “sociopaths whisper ‘what the fuck’ while recording child being eaten alive”


The man filming says he tried to gesture to the family the first time they left the car, (as heh posted before).
Why he didn’t do anything else? He says he was in shock and didn’t use his car horn because he didn’t want to agitate the animals any further.
Why they didn’t shout i don’t know, maybe for the same reasons or because opening windows (even a little) is strictly forbidden in the park for obvious reasons, although i think the situation called for ignoring the rules for a short time.
a short interview (in Dutch):


The only tour group trips I’ve been on have been through my housemate’s company, which specializes in trips for retirees without kids. I’m half the age of many of the people I’m traveling with and am the “kid” of the trip (har har).

My parents, who are long retired, use companies like Rick Steves, and nearly always have kids and teens in their tour groups – and the kids are always nightmares, the parents morons. They’ve told me stories of kids playing soccer inside Auchwitz and nearly walking into active geysers.

I’ve learned to travel with old people. They’re fun :slight_smile:


No shit! I’ve had a couple of these in my yard for over 10 years. They still make me jump every time we startle each other. One has developed the rotten habit of sneaking in to lay on my floor tiles when the temperature goes over 100. Meet Mr. Brown:


Prairie Racer

They’re all named ‘Mr. Brown’. The 11-year-old neighbor pointed out that I name all the other wild animals that hang out in our yards, and I said I’d get back to him.


So, uh…how would one go about getting tickets this ‘just to observe’? Do you guys already have a tote board, or are all the bets strictly verbal? Is there a pre-picnic gathering where one can interview the contestants before laying odds? I’m asking for a friend…


Sure it was well fed and it must have been used to humans, but it’s still a leopard, not the most reliable of cats.

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It’s not something you can plan for, what with deranged religious fanatics being … let’s say “spontaneous”. The good news is that these days when someone does it it’s caught on video for the edification of all. In recent years zoos in Asia seem to be the preferred venues for these folks to attempt to spread the Gospel to the big cats.

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Guns are by design partially idiot-proofed - I mean, for one, you have to pull the trigger for it to work, and the projectile only comes out the single hole on that one end, so you have a sense of what end is the dangerous end…

Clever kitties; they waited until the lunchies stepped farther away from the delivery box.


PLEASE tell me that in real life, it’s like this:



I think it’s in part because we are so alienated from our fellow human beings that we’d rather watch and laugh as they put their children in danger of being torn apart by wild animals rather than intervene and save a life. After it, it helps to reinforce our own moral superiority over them, and really, isn’t THAT what REALLY matters! /s


I might actually feel motivated to go to a wild predatory animal reserve, if watching people do this kind of stuff was more common. :wink:

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When the sprog was small and I had membership at the zoo they had a guy from Kenya there. He stated if he had a choice between having to walk directly toward a water buffalo or a lion he would pick the lion as the lions generally are wary and not that interested in humans. The water buffalo will just fuck your shit up for funs.


Okay. I don’t but maybe there is something wrong with me that I don’t have a burning desire to see children die over their parents stupidity.


Whether it’s these nimrods or the snakehandlers, my only explanation is that they’re too busy thumping their Bibles to remember that there’s something in there about “Do not put the LORD your God to the test.”


Yes, I stand corrected. How can I forget that song? Thanks for setting me straight.

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