If Cannabis Is “A Potential Way To Prevent COVID-19” Then Why Is Trump Blocking Research?

All right, fess up: which one of you is actually buying stuff from the BoingBoing store and convincing them that this kind of woo-peddling claptrap actually works?


Hard to read an article that drifts into first person narrative and has no byline. Is the whole piece from RealCBD, from Forbes, or Richard Cowan? It’s kind of a mishmash.

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The biggest problem I have with cannabis is with this whole “It’s a total miracle drug that does All The Good Things to everyone, and has no drawbacks, problems or risks!” attitude. Stop lying to yourself and to others.


CBD Now that I have your attention…

That is a super weird thing to be sure of. I’ve been disappointed in America’s war on drugs (and the international participation in that war) since I was a teenager and have thought every US congress, every president of the US and every Prime Minister of my country should do something about it. I voted for a party I don’t normally support in the second to last election because they had legalization of cannabis on their platform.

There have been super-consistent legalized weed activists around for decades. I’d gladly put $20 down that the author of this headline also thinks that the democrats should have used their house/senate/WH control in 2008 to revoke criminal penalties for cannabis. It seems like a safe bet. Assuming other people are hypocrites without evidence is just sanctimonious.



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