Illinois Nazi wins GOP primary for Congress

No - it was more the socialist + Republican part. Isn’t this an odd background to have?

Ever been to Mendota?


National Socialism = Nazism, not “socialism” in any meaningful sense of the word.


You know what the official name of the Nazi party was, right?


So maybe you can explain the Democratic People’s Republic which is neither democratic nor a republic. It is currently a hereditary monarchy.


Sorry you’re from Kentucky.

“He`s not a real Republican, he’s a nazi” demonstrates a certain amount of obliviousness to current events. And he left out “and a fine person.”


Christ on a stick (thank you Dan Simmons) - I was remarking on the fact that any MAGA supporter I have encountered would not be caught dead promoting what we know as socialism. But - wouldn’t it be cool if they did?

Might put a dent into the bullshit that is ‘trickle-down economics’.


I say we should draft Dan Akroyd to run against him. Anybody got his cell number?


Fair enough, but honestly, most of the people who voted for this guy are likely just the few Republicans who vote in primaries, and go for the person with the R after their name. I doubt they know much about his background and beliefs. and again, apparently he was the only Republican running in the primary, because it’s such a safe Democratic district.

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555-555-5555 tell’em Papasan sent you.


No, No, NO! They knew perfectly well that this scumbag is a Nazi, please do not make excuses for this piece of shit.


The sad thing is that he got about 20k votes.

I’m pretty sure they were mostly low-information voters.

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I mean you can say that, but I kind of doubt it. I’m sure some of them did. And yes, Republican primary voters are obviously some of the more extreme folks of the gang. But dude, many many voters simply vote for the R or the D, and do essentially no research beyond that. Just having this conversation, we are extreme outliers of the American electorate.


I’ll reluctantly admit that when I know nothing of the candidates, I often just vote down party lines for the local elections. Theoretically I could have voted for a Nazi in the past and had no idea. I’d be confused why s/he had a (D) or (I) instead of an (R) after his/her name, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility.

At least with the amount of national attention this is getting, and the fact that “He’s a fucking Nazi! No, really, an actual member of the Illinois Nazi Party!” should be the Democrats’ main talking point, nobody is going to realistically vote for him without knowing now.


Not necessarily. Nearly every time I’ve ever voted in a primary, it’s because there are local/county/state issues on the ballot. I generally couldn’t give a fuck about primaries - I think voting Bernie over Hillary was the only time I showed up with anything in mind as far as Primaries go.

For anything local-to-state, I can’t remember the last time I actually had to choose anything in the Primaries - there’s typically one name, and you do or don’t approve of them getting on the ballot. It’s only a formality at that point. (Hell, half the time I vote as Republican in those just to fuck with the results. Unfortunately, Donald Duck has yet to win the Primary for any office. :frowning: )


isn’t dan akroyd a republican?

If he does win, he’ll have plenty of work ahead of him to keep up with Illinois’ fine tradition of electing the best that humanity has to offer for government service.

I used to live in Illinois.
It’s not exactly getting better fast.


It does seem to be a habit in that state.