In 4 minutes, 100 people explain how they got their scars

Originally published at:


oh…we played this game one gathering with friends…yeah, I went through half the list and everyone yelled “STAHP!”

A handful of the choice ones:

  • Downhill fall on a bike, chain wrapped around my leg and pedal ended up in my mouth (calf and chin and elbow scars)
  • Fell through a deck and a nail went under my knee cap (knee)
  • backwards jumping off a diving board (lip scar)
  • slide down a hiking trail (ankle scar)
  • hit by an SUV and sent flying 15 ft (Harry Potter forehead scar)
  • Lithium burn in science class
  • more knife and cooking scars than I can count.

I tore my Achilles and the surgeon sliced up my ankle with a good 7" incision. He stitched me up like a turkey and it left a huge Frankenstein scar. I hate looking at it every day.

Not as long as the 12" scar down my back from spinal surgery but I don’t have to look at that one.


Sliced my femoral muscle to the bone in a sledding accident when I was 7.
The scar is about 17 cm long and the stitch marks make it look a bit like a thermometer.
Some smaller stuff from bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents, etc.
And a boring one from my appendectomy.


I have a few, it really put a damper on my modeling career.


Reminds me of that scene from Jaws where the guys get a little tipsy waiting for the shark and start a pissing contest about who has the manliest scars.


Fell and a rogue piece of glass on the sidewalk (grandparents rented out a storefront to a glass shop in front of their house) went right into my forehead right above the eyebrow exposing the bone. 9 stitches, 6 of them internal.


Ooh fun:

Real beauty of a thyroidectomy scar (my best healed scar hands down), facial laceration left side of mouth from the stone corner of our fireplace age 3-4, chickenpox scar, staph infection scar, facial scar on chin from auto accident when my dad was driving drunk, vertical facial scar on eye from neglected infection in early childhood resulting in surgery, spiral fracture to the left arm scar from protruding bone, shit ton of slice scars from knives in cooking accidents, two slash scars to the backs of my hands not from cooking accidents… it’s a wonder there’s any symmetry to me at all.


I was just sharing…


Just came here to make sure somebody remembered Jaws.


Almost identical. I was running when I was seven or eight tripped and landed forehead first on a sharp stone.
Sat way too long in the school nurse’s office where nothing was done. My Mom finally showed up and took me to our quack doctor who also did nothing. I was drenched in blood, crying all the time, and have a horrible scar to prove it all.


Cut my eye lid open when I was five playing with something like this:


Had one handle over my knee, while pulling the other end with both hands as hard as I could. The handle on my knee slipped off, and the coiled wire whipped across my eyelid. I learned a few things that day.


Dove into a rock night swimming in Canada. Haven’t been the same since.


Very different approach from my mom, who rushed me to the ER, watched them be blasé about it, and then immediately took me to a plastic surgeon’s office. Fortunately this was Jordan, not the US, and I think it cost her a few hundred bucks and my uncle had some cash on him to help her out. My mom has always been really concerned about her kids getting a facial deformity or scar of any kind, which I sort of understand… but it almost seemed like a minor phobia.



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I tore a lot of skin off all around the base of my Achilles when my bike chain slipped off during a ride. Most of my scars were on my legs until I stopped riding in the '80s.

He was talking to another teacher. I was standing off to the side of them and and kept saying his name. He kept shushing me saying not to interrupt. He finally turned to look at me angrily saying “WHAT is so important?” which was quickly followed by “OH SHIT!”

I had my hurt thumb cupped in the other hand trying to contain the blood. But the blood had been overflowing onto the floor for several minutes. When he finally looked there was more than a little blood.


These clips make me feel good, somehow.
They all seem so nice.

He still let you walk alone for help. I hope that you recovered from the experience. I was too much like Arya Stark, even as a kid. That guy would’ve been on my list of names, that’s for sure.


He was one of the younger cool teacher’s that everyone liked. I didn’t have any malice that I recall. I think I felt pretty dumb for cutting myself and didn’t project any blame on him. In retrospect, he should have handled the situation better.

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