In unhinged Truth Social post, an infuriated Trump accuses Biden of being angry

Interesting choice of ketchup there.

Kallstadt is the ancestral home of immigrant ancestors of both the Heinz and Trump families in the United States. The two families are related. The Trump family has resided in Kallstadt since the 17th century.

In 2015, filmmaker Simone Wendel, who is from Kallstadt (and remotely related to the Trump family), produced a documentary called Kings of Kallstadt. The film explores the relationship between the local inhabitants and their prominent relatives in the USA. Wendel showed the strong and longstanding winemaking and gastronomic tradition in Kallstadt. She suggests that the locals have more appreciation for the Heinz family, as their main product has been practical condiment, and is less abstract than Trump’s real-estate business.[6][7] The locals positively remember the Heinz trust receiving a Kallstadt delegation. The Heinz family recently provided a major donation (40,000) for the renovation of the organ in the local church, St. Salvator, while Donald Trump did not contribute to this project.[8] Wendel interviewed Donald Trump in New York and showed a Kallstadt delegation at the Steuben Day parade. Trump prolonged the interview over the preset time and promised to visit Kallstadt.[6]

The 2016 media interest about Kallstadt started in the middle of the night after the announcement of Trump’s election. The local reaction has been mixed.[3] Residents are not interested in the city as a destination for Trump fans; local tourism is already flourishing.[3] Deutsche Welle notes: “[T]he villagers used to have a better opinion of Donald Trump before he started his boisterous campaign.”[9]


Biden was in Rehoboth Beach last week, and that is definitely not a California beach.

Man, he really sucks at just about everything, even geography.


“Frodo? More like Fredo!”


Failed Frodo, Sleepy Sam.


The villagers used to have a better opinion of Donald Trump before they came to know anything about him

Samesame in Scotland, where he built his so-called golf resorts

Actually a lot of other people too, funnily enough


A friend of mine says she knew how horrible he was as far back as the '70’s, and she’s right. She sums it up pretty succinctly, saying, “I don’t hate Trump because I’m a Jew, I hate Trump because I’m a New Yorker.”


I’m so glad the following happens when I click a NYT article:

It’s like the Internet is saying to me, “Girlfriend, you don’t need to read that shite.”



Me wishing it was Wasps.


Biden’s speech, including the interview he did for one of the networks last week or so, exudes a lot of “just gave 2-week-notice” energy, not “pining for Donnie” vibes.

Poor Donald. Now he has both Obama and Biden living in his head rent free.


Trump isn’t strong enough to be either the Fire Lord or the One Ring.

He’s a boggart and the Democrats just cast Riddikulus.


It’s so absurd how he’s projecting all this completely fictional rage onto Biden, when Biden could have just, you know, not dropped out of the race if he would be so intensely angry about it. Even Trump admits his own fantasy makes no sense, saying he doesn’t understand why Biden did it.


My idea it was that they were looking at the polls where Kamala Harris and other possible candidates were rated lower than Joe Biden, so they were pushing the “Biden is old” narrative and proposing him to step aside. So Biden decided to step aside, maybe knowing well that there was a B plan ready, and when the more logical decision was to candidate Harris, and polls started to be favorable to her, they got caught in underpants, so to speak, and for this become angry.


I think the plan for Biden to step aside was in play (with Biden’s involvement) shortly after the debate. There may have been contingency plans afoot long before then.
The succession timing was so perfect and the Dems rolled out the Harris campaign, then the Harris-Walz campaign machine like they already knew what to do with no missteps so far.


You realise that GIF will get borrowed and will be needed here a few times, no doubt, between now and November.

Any idea of the source / artist?


Biden's decision to drop out crystallized Sunday. His staff knew one minute before the public did


Last night I was thinking Biden is the Bilbo of this story. He held the one true ring (the US presidency), and voluntarily gave it up for the greater good.


Says “From Ann Telnaes”, presumably the artist. I don’t know who produced the GIF, kudos to both anyhow.


Back in the day, there was someone that if anyone asked “Do you know Bruce?”, people would look wary and say “I know of Bruce.” A conman on a much smaller scale than Donald.


Me, I’d love it if they fired me & sent me to the Calif. coast.