He’s talking about Bluman v. FEC FEC | Legal | Court cases
That however, is only about non-citizens and campaign spending. Saying non-citizens aren’t covered by the first amendment is a total misrepresentation.
He’s talking about Bluman v. FEC FEC | Legal | Court cases
That however, is only about non-citizens and campaign spending. Saying non-citizens aren’t covered by the first amendment is a total misrepresentation.
Remember how people have been predicting that the GOP would implode after their ‘decision’ to nominate a crazy outlier with wild fascistic ideas and no understanding of (or interest in) the core principles of American democracy? Here’s lovable serial philanderer Newt “Screw as I say, not screw as I screw” Gingrich to set the record straight and demonstrate that Donald Trump isn’t doing much more than voicing the feelings of what passes for the mainstream of the GOP.
Maybe we should make the litmus test not whether someone believes in Sharia law, but whether they advocate ignoring key parts of the Bill of Rights when convenient. In which case, Mr Gingrich – and a good many other members of the US establishment, not only Republicans – are likely to find themselves on the first plane out.
Can’t say they’ll be missed.
Not to mention advocates of male circumcision, laws against blasphemy and Sunday closing laws…
‘Next plane out’ sounds fine and dandy, but who in their right mind is gonna let it land anywhere else?
Ugh, Sunday closing laws piss me off! (That one actually tempts me, for a second or two.)
The Supreme Court has ruled (see “Berman vs. FEC”) that non-citizens do not have the same First Amendment rights as citizens. I agree.
"We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background..."
Where is he speaking only of non-citizens?
‘Next plane out’ sounds fine and dandy, but who in their right mind is gonna let it land anywhere else?
I dunno…, seems like planes full, or partly full, of Muslim passengers (some of whom may even be Sharia-lovers) are able to take off and land all over the world, every day, without incident.
Do you know something I don’t?
He’s talking about one with Gingrich on it.
Nononono, I meant with Gingrich et al on board.
Sure…because a terrorist might kill thousands of people…but they would never lie.
And treating people as suspects based solely on their background wouldn’t make them feel alienated and even potentially backfire. Really, the more I think about this proposal the more I think, Hey, what could possibly go wrong?
Attack on egyptology check
Where is he speaking only of non-citizens?
Well, it’s those Muslims, you know. They’re Other.
And once we find the dodgy ones lets put a badge on them like say a yellow crescent moon. You know just to warn people.
Nah. Cheney was more of a Villain.
Anybody who goes on a website favoring ISIS, or Al Qaeda, or other terrorist groups, that should be a felony, and they should go to jail.
Wouldn’t it be terribly sad if there were suddenly a bunch of CIA, NSA, FBI, and other lovely agency people suddenly becoming felons and heading to jail?
Did I say anything about letting the plane land?
Don’t you go putting words in my mouth now.
And once we find the dodgy ones lets put a badge on them like say a yellow crescent moon. You know just to warn people.
I was compiling a long question as to why Republicans of late are so eager to slip into the cold, inhuman comfort of fascism/theocracy, but I’ll spare you and everyone else and just say that Newt, as self-proclaimed “historian”, should be absolutely, unequivocally, ashamed of himself for uttering such things. But that would mean he has to hold the ability to feel shame, or to have a shred of dignity or integrity. How sad that this is what the Republican elite has become.
I’m caught up on “we should test every person who is Muslim, and if they believe in Sharia…”
What is this test? Is it a blood test?