Incel, a disturbing short film about an "involuntary celibate"

It’s more like observed actual human behavior, and economics (e.g. money paid for sex) but sure.

When a study or whatever appears to prove what is just easiest for us to believe, it, for me, raises questions.



Nice painting that, if authentic.
I think that those are intended to maintain their original framing though.
I’m not saying that it is not, just that it should.

Actually, the effect of men over responding and women under responding is measured and normally accounted for. Still: the difference in percentages may also be explained by men and women not having the same definition of “interested in sex”.

That is actually not the message society gives around, especially in developed countries. The message is more that having sex is normal and that everybody has a right to pursuit a normal life.

The truth is that a sizeable proportion of men and women rarely have sex, and it has been so for as long as we have records. So, actually, belonging to that sexless group is “normal”, in the sense that it always existed. Maybe the message would be “you just belong to the group nobody wants to have sex with, so either try to change radically or just try to find different interests”.

I think you’re assuming only biology drives behavior and not the culture that people live in.


I mean, maybe that’s the message YOU get, but I assure you, it’s not the one that everyone gets. Take for example, this and variants of it:

And a surprising amount of this shit finds it’s way into mainstream culture on the regular.



On the topic of not having the same definition:

While women imagined the low end to include the potential for extremely negative feelings and the potential for pain, men imagined the low end to represent the potential for less satisfying sexual outcomes, but they never imagined harmful or damaging outcomes for themselves.

Once you’ve absorbed how horrifying this is, you might reasonably conclude that our “reckoning” over sexual assault and harassment has suffered because men and women have entirely different rating scales. An 8 on a man’s Bad Sex scale is like a 1 on a woman’s. This tendency for men and women to use the same term — bad sex — to describe experiences an objective observer would characterize as vastly different is the flip side of a known psychological phenomenon called “relative deprivation,” by which disenfranchised groups, having been trained to expect little, tend paradoxically to report the same levels of satisfaction as their better-treated, more privileged peers.

one factor in how women respond to invitations to sex may be fear – fear of reputational damage in a culture which judges women’s sexual activity differently from men’s, and fear of physical harm from an encounter with a male stranger. They cite one study which found that 45% of US women have experienced sexual violence of some kind.

I felt like I was interested in sex, but also there was something super dangerous and bad about my body that I had to be constantly guarding myself against,” Tamar, an acquaintance, told me in an interview. She went to an Orthodox Jewish high school where she was forced to take a year-long class on women’s modesty. Even now, a decade later, wearing clothes that leave her arms bare makes her anxious. Dyondra Wilson, a black woman I interviewed, said she grew up “with a big booty” and was also constantly told to cover up for her own good. “Even if they didn’t intentionally try to hurt me, it made me feel self-conscious about who I was,” she said. “It’s led to self-doubt and self hatred.”

Honestly, women are more interested in sex than men, because even after dealing with all of this bullshit, we still want to get it on at the end of the day.



In the case of slavery, physicians such as Charles Caldwell used phrenology to attempt to prove that African people were in their rightful place as slaves. Caldwell studied the skulls of many different peoples, including Africans, at the Musee de Phrenologie in Paris. In 1837, he concluded that the skulls of African people (a flawed generalization of an entire continent of diverse peoples) indicated a “tamableness” that made them suited to be slaves, and required them to “have a master”. This view of people of African descent as inherently mentally inferior contributed to the continuation of slavery and the segregation and racism that still persists in the U.S…

His study of skulls concluded that Native American minds were “different than that of the white man” and was cited in articles targeted at western settlers encountering Native Americans. One article stated that Native Americans were “adverse to cultivation, slow in acquiring knowledge”. This view of Native Americans existence in society as not conducive to industrialization and “progress” helped justify Andrew Jackson’s Indian removal policies and allowed western settlers to continue taking the land of Native Americans.

Edited to add proper context.


A fine example among many fine examples.


I am a woman.
I found this funny:

… it’s not without its strong points.

From it, this:

I have not demanded an anthropomorphic male robot or written a think piece about wanting one this year. (I do not want one.)

I live in Texas.
I found that pull-quote funny because:

Anyone looking for a band name? Like maybe “Robot Brothel”? A techno band doing Gogol Bordello covers?


I FLUV McSweeney’s; they are hilarious.

Great band name for an Afrofunk group…


Women are interested, for sure, but it’s the relative disparity in the interest that causes most of the problems. Like a highway with one lane going 100mph and the other lane going 35mph. For example:

Of course, there are also a handful of differences that keep cropping up — exceptions to the rule. “Men are physically stronger and more physically aggressive, masturbate more, and are more positive on casual sex,” Wharton professor Adam Grant writes in a post on LinkedIn

My argument is that cars also shouldn’t be going 100mph as a general principle, for the record. Obviously self control is a big factor, but speaking as a dude… biology puts the pedal to the metal in many ways, and disproportionately on one side.


Data is only as good as the gathering process, and the process used in the survey was flawed as fuck.

let me manspalain it: women aren’t socialized to be comfortable about expressing sexuality, whereas dudes have a culture (lockerroom?) centered around vocally expressing sexual dominancy.


More so, there are numerous women right fucking here and now on this very forum, actively stating that WE ARE VERY INTERESTED IN SEX… and as usual, he just ain’t fuckin’ listening.


Well, that’s an interestingly placed gif…