Incoherent Trump slurs and resorts to sound effects as confusion continues (video)

The GOP is reaching the limits to this strategy though. Remember, Trump got more votes in 2020 than in 2016 after one of the worst presidential administrations in history. Despite the massive advantage that the “winner take all” electoral college system garners the GOP, Trump lost in 2020 because more people turned out to vote than in 2016. The scary thing to me, is that the people behind the scenes know that, and are readying for a more competent version of January 6th attack. And they are perfectly fine with "Weekend at Bernies"ing their orange shitstain around his dementia. “See the duckie? Sign the paper and I’ll give you the duckie.” Something similar was done for (to?) Wilson after his stroke.

When I’m feeling optimistic, I think that we are seeing the early signs of the breakup of the GOP alliance between the bigots and the plutocrats. It wasn’t SO long ago that the Republicans were know for being people that could be bargained with if you couldn’t beat the outright.

These guys are white nationalists wearing really poorly fitting Chirstian costumes. “My, what big racisim you have grandma.”