Incredible video of car flipping onto sidewalk barely missing woman with baby

Originally published at: Incredible video of car flipping onto sidewalk barely missing woman with baby - Boing Boing


“So, how was your day?”

“Oh, I broke the side-view mirror on the car.”


“I think our baby may have some sort of weird superpower”


That brave poll sacrificed itself to save them!


I wish I could see that from the other side. No matter how many times I watch it, it looks like they MUST have gotten squashed flat. I don’t see how it could have possibly missed.


Yeah, hoooly shit. I keep watching it too, and from that angle, it really does look like the car was right near them before it flipped over, and would have definitely squashed both adult and child when it did so. Obviously the angle is giving us a warped sense of the distances, but it still must have been really close. (Either that, or that woman was so fast she grabbed the baby out of the way before the car flipped over on them, but that seems… unlikely.)


When my oldest son was about 7 or so we had just parked in a lot that is downhill from a very steep and very blind curve. People underestimate it all of the time. As we were leaving the lot about to cross the road, an SUV came barreling down the hill, swerving, tires screeching and completely out of control. The driver swerved to avoid going into a pole to our left, overcorrected, overcorrected again and was pointing straight at us going at least 25 mph and less than 10 yards away. I picked him up and darted left (opposite their original direction of travel). I had one of those hyper clear moments and noticed a cigarette butt right in front of us before I ran. After the SUV came to a stop, that butt was about 5’ behind their rear bumper. Just where we would have been.

close call GIF


Did you need a fresh pair of underwear after that? :hushed:


Who is going to be first thanking god or the angels, or some such, for saving them?

Fortunately, we were going swimming so I had a spare.

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Just last week we noticed a fire engine and three police cars, lights and sirens going, sped up our road. It’s a narrow road with a 20mph speed limit, because although it’s a residential road, there is no footpath for most of its length. The next day I asked one of our neighbours if he saw what happened. He did. A 73 year-old woman was driving up the road - he didn’t mention her speed, but we draw our own conclusions - struck the back wheel of HIS car, which was parked at the side of the road, bounced off, and overturned her car. She was unhurt. His car had a bent axle, and was a write-off. He wasn’t too upset, as it was an old car. But no-one was hurt, which was the main thing.


Does “Well, thank Fuck!” apply?


If you watch the video closely, you can see the woman backing away from the car after it comes to rest, now with the child held in her arms. It’s possible that the stroller didn’t make it.


That pole appeared to catch the axle at the left front wheel JUST RIGHT to miraculously snag it in the way it did. I think a sedan (with its front-end internal arrangement and greater distance from the front bumper to the front axle), rather than the van, would have ended in tragedy.


Cringe Alert: When I was about four years old, I got a hold of a wire i.e. metal hanger and futzed around with it. The hook part of the hanger was bare and unfinished by design. Rough cut. Not looped or covered in a way that made the hanger safer for use. Handling it, I somehow accidently quick-flipped/sprung the hanger toward my face. The tip of the hanger’s bare rough hook got to my left eye, pressed against it, and for an instant got down between my eyeball and lower lid. I reflexively pulled it out. Zero damage. ZEEE-ROW… except to my nerves. Bottom Line: Sometimes you experience a bit of luck.


Good thing it wasn’t a St Louis cop! She could have been arrested for… being angry?

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