Originally published at: Indiana cops arrested man to stop him running for political office | Boing Boing
It’s a pitifully tiny coup attempt; but I hope that it is treated and prosecuted with the seriousness that security forces attempting to capture the representative government they nominally answer to deserves.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure that capital treason is a thing at the municipal level, so I expect to be disappointed.
But there ought to be a ‘municipal treason’ thing that gets them sacked and debarred from any other public office, ever. Plus jail time for fraud, false arrest, election interference, etc.
While I’m happy that the plot was uncovered and in the process of getting dealt with, this is so horrible on so many levels. It’s probably going to remain at the state level, but I feel like the police involved with this incident should face federal charges. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that relatively nothing will happen.
Really makes you wonder how often this sort of thing happens but is never proved enough to make it into the papers.
Brookville Police Chief Terry Mitchum and Lt. Ryan Geiser were suspended with full pay after what they did was exposed
Justice was served. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Thalheimer says he’s never had an issue with police. Yeah well how about now? How do you like them now sport? Got any feeling about them one way or the other?
Let’s just call “suspended with full pay” what it really is: “enhanced vacation”.
while even the threat to do it is probably often enough, there are a couple of semi recent cases ive heard about
Want to get full pay for staying at home? Just falsely arrest an innocent person and slap a bogus rape charge on them.
It probably seems like a weirdly desperate thing to do on the cops’ part because we don’t know what they got away with in the past and are still covering-up.
Looks like their approach was 100% effective so far.
I was a member of Amnesty International in the 1980s and most of what we did was writing stern letters to Latin American countries after exactly these kinds of events.
The worst part is that there are definitely people who still think he’s a rapist, because he was accused at all. You can tell them it was all made up, and they’ll invent a conspiracy where the cops were made to cover up a rapist by falsely confessing. These cops should be fired, and never again allowed to do anything remotely like police work.
First level swatting; wasn’t there a penalty infrastructure for that?
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