Indiana women phone the governor's office to tell him about their periods

I don’t know the mammogram problem, but maybe it isn’t necessarily a sexist issue. Why do the X-Ray detectors that dentists stick in your mouth always have sharp corners when they could be rounded? I suspect clinical equipment gets pushed out of the door when it works, so they can start getting some of their expensive R&D costs back. Maybe they never follow up design issues.

Either you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, or you’re going to the wrong one: they have been modified to be much more comfortable.


That would appear to be true in my case. The X-ray insert was electronic, and had something about the size of a thumb drive attached to it.

Not to mention that they split the dental exam (which is free, under my insurance) and the cleaning into two visits, so they could bill me for the latter.


I think they make these more rounded at the corners now. The ones my dentist uses feels much better than the ones used by my previous dentist (pre-1992). I suspect they’re more expensive so if your dentist is trying to save money, that might be the way.

Ooph. I’d find a new dentist. :angry:

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I’m not sure when American supreme court appointments became all about partisanship and not about competence, but more than anything else that seems to me like the downfall of America. There are quite a few countries around the world that don’t have charters of rights of their own that look to Canada’s supreme court for guidance on what to do with rights issues because Canada’s court has such a good international reputation. That it isn’t the American supreme court that people look to internationally should be a source of shame for the country that credits itself as the originator of personal rights.


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