Texas councilman hits bathroom without turning off mic


Shits and giggles?

It wouldn’t be half as good without the giggles.


Classic Nielsen.


you beat me to it!

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You also don’t hear any hand washing afterwards. Gross!


Oh, that could have gone so much the worse for him. Had it been 4:00 pm after a Tex-Mex lunch I doubt his career would have survived.


I think that its awesome that everyone essentially devolved into 12 yr olds and giggled, but managed to keep some level of composure (I.e. didnt get angry or offended),


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well, at least he wasn’t mumbling to himself about having “killed them all”…


She was nearly through it untill the Flush. Then the rush of toilet humor commenced.

“I think not hiring a sound guy is going to save us all a lot of money.” Texas city council, five years ago.

She needed to finish it with “councilman, I don’t think we heard you wash your hands. That helps prevent the spread of disease.”


That´s gold, Jerry! Gold!


It´s amazing how many men don´t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Based on my personal lifelong observation it´s easily the majority. Anyone care to report on the women?


Not all, and most don’t do the level of washing required by food service employers or surgery room standards, but a large majority do. So there you go.

See, it’s a crying shame she couldn’t incorporate it into her spiel on the fly: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m just flushed with gratitude to present this issue to you today, I’m sure we’ll whiz through this vote…” etc. etc.

Especially since every bathroom puts the sinks on the way out. You passing it anyway, why not. It’s not like you have to climb a flight of steps.

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There’s ice in the sinks.

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Yeah, it´s like they deliberately decide to be disgusting pigs about it.

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And the mints are horrible.


“At Hah-vahd they teach us to wash our hands after we urinate.”

“At Yale they teach us not to piss on our hands.”

Old joke aside, I always wash my hands, though not necessarily with vigor. It’s kind of an automatic, ocd thing to touch a little soap, get hands wet, and dry, after peeing. (Other… activities get a much more rigorous scrub). It would be like not wearing a seat belt or something if I didn’t go through that ritual. But it amazes me how many guys don’t even go through the motions. And not just peeing, either. I’m talking about guys leaving a stall after making sounds that suggest they just gave birth to a hippo, then watching them stroll out the door without going near the sink. Happens ALL the time. I always want to follow them out and warn people.

From: http://community.good.is/link/confession-i-didn-t-always-wash-after-peeing-now-i-will#discuss

“This is always a crowd pleasing conversation in my microbiology classes,” says Pat Fidopiastis, an assistant professor of biology at Cal Poly. Fidopiastis says he’s heard all of my hand-washing protestations before, and to all of them he has the same response: “Perianal sweat.”

The perianal area is the small patch of flesh just outside the rectum, a spot on the human body that “inevitably becomes loaded with fecal bacteria,” according to Fidopiastis. (“Frankly, toilet paper only satisfies your visual senses into thinking that you’re clean”). When you start to perspire, even a little, sweat from the perianal area starts dripping around in your underwear, eventually getting into the fabric and moving onto your genitals.

“The point is that simply touching the penis in an effort to direct your urine flow can be more than enough to transfer harmful microbes to your hands, and then on to the pretzels sitting in bowl on the bar,” says Fidopiastis.

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Dear God, how am I still alive?!

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