Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/29/indicted-wife-blaming-rep-dun.html
So let’s get this in the arena and have this settled
Oh boy, he’s chosen trial by combat!
[popcorn gif]
The party of personal responsibility blaming somebody, anybody else for your fuck-ups.
“Leave my wife out of it, leave my family out of it. It’s me they’re after anyway. They’re not after my wife; they want to take me down, that’s what they’re up to. So let’s get this in the arena and have this settled,” said Hunter.
Spoken like somebody that believes that the justice system isn’t corrupt enough because he got charged with a crime.
edited to add. After all, the only reason that he was charged was that he was being investigated for political reasons. It is simply inconceivable that anybody could be investigated and not charged. Because not playing fast and loose with the law is crazy talk.
Wow, not even a generic token nonpology?
Always choose Bronn.
Someone got tired of sleeping on the couch
He was speaking to “Women Volunteers in Politics”. I’m interested in hearing what he says when he speaks to men.
Chivalry is not dead?
Christ; what an asshole.
Much of the conflict in marriages is about money. A friend of mine said that even when you are in broad agreement about how much to spend, sometimes it is easier to plaster over the differences about exactly WHAT to spend on with a credit card. In my friends case they were both fairly conservative in their purchases. But it looks like these two were a pair of spendthrifts. And after they maxed out their credit, they started in on campaign funds.
(1) He didn’t stop blaming his wife. He said to leave his wife and family out of this. After bringing them into this in the first place. Which he doesn’t own up to or, heaven forbid, apologizes for, family man that he claims to be.
(2) “They are after me” or They want to bring me down" is very far from “mistakes were made” (I’m not even holding out for “I did something wrong, sorry” or “I’ll have to face the consequences now”) and very close to “I’m the victim here”.
(3) When he talks to men - well, his kind of “men”, anyway - odds are that it’ll be along the lines of “Women, right? Can’t live with 'em, can’t kiss 'em with your fist these days.”
maybe he will find the right words to apologize if she comes for visiting day
Um. Okay. Sure. Why not?
And I’m sure he’ll have no trouble raising the money. A prison record may hurt though, but that probably won’t happen until after November; if at all.
He is apparently still winning his hereditary congressional seat.
Someone is worried that after blaming his wife she might divorce him and then she can be compelled to testify against him.
I think he should change his last name to “Cover.”
“Leave my wife out of it,” says man who literally blamed his wife for his campaign finance problems on national television.
“Welcome to the InCel movement, congressman!”
Needs more Gorn!
Goes to court for financial crimes, blames his wife, then goes to female supporters, seeks to elicit sympathy for all the attacks on his wife. Later he will do the classic, murdering his parents, then demand sympathy from the court as he’s recently been orphaned. Should also be noted that some of the expenses were for vacations he took (ski trip and beach vacation) sans wife, but with a (likely former) female friend of his wife. It is possible she did not personally approve those expenses.