But we can both agree on “Urban Nomad”, right?
Why is that a fail?
Isn’t it technically accurate?
Ah, I see: $0.69/lbs _**is**_ pretty stiff...
I prefer the soft Ricotta ones, but always one of my favorite comfort foods.
I still carry a 2600 and Mondo 2000 issues in my backpack.
What of it?
We buy these. They are wrapped so that they cook more quickly in the microwave.
Wow. Pre-peeled versions of among the easiest-to-peel fruits. Who’d have thunk?
Unfortunately the known alternatives to capitalism are prone to even more absurd waste, like when they used bread to feed pigs in the Soviet Union, because subsidized bread was much cheaper than grain.
I’m afraid we’re doomed.
remember what excitement life was filled with when you got a new issue of mondo 2000
I prefer my pork to be bread fed and artisanal.
Oh to be a fly on the wall at the meeting in which the marketing team announced they were disrupting potatoes with value-added shrink-wrap.
Yeah, man! Like, they need to be really clean before your boil them, man!
(Me, it was when I saw pre-sliced apples… Sigh. I weep for humanity.)
Bonus: they’re steam-cooked sous vide.
/people unclear on the concept, eh?
//maybe they used bromine steam?
You guys dont shop much, do you? These are baking potatoes, shrinkwrapped so that you can put them in the microwave to have baked potatoes faster than in the oven. It steems itself because of the shrinkwrap.
The local Safeway at some point charging per potato rather than by weight - threw me the first time though the self check out when it asked how many.
edit: that also reminds me i need to buy potatoes… but not from safeway.
Coming soon (probably): individually shrink-wrapped peas.
I’ve got no idea how you’d consistently get the peas out intact, but that’s really not important. Freshness. That’s important.
Do you how expensive it is to check every banana for bones? Miss one bone and you could be sued.
How hard can it be?
Just look at them.