Instagrammers reveal the difference between a posed body and a relaxed one

Thank you!


I’m thin because of my metabolism and my depression, and I can’t afford all of that stuff. As for food, I buy the healthiest I know that I will eat (why bother buying food that’s good for me that I’ll simply let rot?) that I can afford.


What Kisses had John Keats

I scanned two lines with some surmise
As over Keats I chanced to pore:
‘And there I shut her wild, wild eyes
With kisses four.’

Says I: 'Why was it only four,
Not five or six or seven?
I think I would have made it more,–
Even eleven.

'Gee! If she’d lured a guy like me
Into her gelid grot
I’d make that Belle Dame sans Merci
Sure kiss a lot.

‘Them poets have their little tricks;
I think John counted kisses for,
Not two or three or five or six
To rhyme with “sore.”’

by Robert William Service


It’s all about camera-subject distance. The various rectilinear lenses just frame the subject tighter or looser.

Artists talk about “the five eye line” as describing the width of the head: there’s about an eye between the eyes and another eye to the side of each eye, for a total of 5. You can see the five eye line going away as the camera gets closer and closer and less of her temples become visible, until finally the camera is so close it can’t see the sides of her head anymore. And because the camera is so close the only way to frame a headshot is to use a very wide lens.

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So true. Also, I don’t know the validity of this, but I heard something similar about being tan. In the “old days” having alabaster skin was a sign of beauty. It indicated wealth because it meant you didn’t have to work outside. Then in the…maybe mid-1960’s through the mid-90’s or so? being tan was considered attractive because it indicated leisure time since the bulk of the workforce had moved from the field to the factories.

I’m so glad I’m not influenced at all by any of that cultural weirdness around beauty standards. /s*
Last bit is meant to be sarcastic. Am I using that right?

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