Internet preacher: Because SCOTUS gay marriage ruling, Putin will destroy America for Jesus

The hotel room I’m in at the moment has a Bible and a phonebook. Hard which has seen more use. Both appear to be unopened.


Oh! Did you get only a Gideons? Or was there an LDS bible there, too? I like to see if a particular hotel room has both or not. I don’t know why… it’s like they’re in competition or something.


That kinda reminded me.

A few years back some atheist buds and I noticed there was a Kingdom Hall right across the street from our community college.

We got into black slacks, and scrounged up some white button-down short sleeve shirts at the thrift shop, and knocked on the door: “We’re very sorry to interrupt your day, but we have some GOOD NEWS! Would you mind letting us in and talking with us about atheism?”

Didn’t go very far. But it’s floating around on youtube somewhere.


And you haven’t posted that here because why?

Also, isn’t the Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s witnesses? When they come by here, they are always in church clothes. I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten a Mormon on his mission work, actually.


Yeah, the Kingdom Hall is the JWs.

I haven’t posted it because I can’t find it anymore. Also, if I remember it suffers from VVS.

We were basically trying to do this:

But more direct, since we were literally knocking on the church door, rather than just going to a target-rich environment like Salt Lake City.


We get both in my town. The JWs come to our house like clockwork the day before the vernal equinox. It’s so reliable I’ve taken to boning up on my christian science dogma so I can accuse them of being “lukewarm christians” since they don’t vaccinate their children or allow blood transfusions, but the christian scientists don’t give their vulnerable kids any proper healthcare. Just like gawd intended. “You JWs are so faithless. If you really loved gawd, you’d let your kids die of oral thrush and broken bones.”


I had a cometely different tack when it came to JW and Pentecostal evangelicals.

I told them to wait a moment, and got a few glasses of lemonade. Didn’t invite them in, but I had a nice comfortable stoop.

They would minister, drop off literature, tell their beliefs, but at the end it was always, “how do I know what you say I can have faith in?”

“It’s just faith!”

“Sure for you, but how do I get that particular faith?”

“Listen to your heart!!”

“Well, see, I am. And it tells me… How do I get that faith?”

After a few exchanges, we would shake hands, they would come back in six months and we would repeat. I would invite all of them to dinner if I could. They were polite, and eventually understood I was also respectful of them.

If an Evangelical gets that I don’t get god, we will be friends.


Ya see, I’m a bit of a belligerent asshole when it comes to strangers walking onto my property to try and sell me a shoddy bill of goods.

If I want to talk philosophy or religion I prefer to do it someplace I can get kicked out so I know when I’ve had my fill (or vice-versa).


Takes all kinds. But I have met some Mormons I still like to visit. So ymmv.


I can already see your mistake right there…

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Thank God the godless communist USSR collapsed leaving behind a God fearing Putin to put us in our goddamn place.


Putin believes that the right sort of Christian myth can reinforce his political position. Lots of nonsense about “the Third Rome”, Western decadence, yada yada yada.


As I understand it, the reason for the anti-gay stuff in Russia is that Putin needs the support of the Russian Orthodox Church as well as the security services and the army. His own comments on the subject are quite defensive for him.
So if you make the assumption that the Russian Orthodox Church has any connection to Jesus, yes, you could say that to a degree he’s on Jesus’s payroll.
But not to the same degree as the average US President. The UK has had at least one atheist Prime Minister - Harold Wilson - in the US that’s impossible.


Looking for virgins to sacrifice?


If only the JWs were that interesting. Naw, they probably have like a quarterly project or something.

I’ve been mulling over having some Satanist friends setup an altar in the driveway next year. Just for shits and giggles. But I don’t think it’s legal to sacrifice a chicken where I’m zoned, not that the legality matters much.


I had the two white-shirted Mormons come to my door in years past. One day they asked me if I knew any Mormons. I told them yes, but most of my Mormon friends were gay. (The guy living in our guest house is one of these - he’s been excommunicated.) I saw the fuses blowing in their brains. “but… but… that’s not possible!”

They haven’t been back since, and it’s been nearly ten years.



I like it when people are confident in their opinion because it says so in this book right there that they are even holding in their hands for you to see. They have studied the book. Wonderful stuff.


I’m no Biblical Scholar, but it appears that the people of the time of Noah and the time of Lot got destroyed for “eating and drinking and buying and selling”… Is God some sort of Airetarian Communist that he hates these things?


With sacrifice, I think it is the intent that counts. If you sacrifice Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food with the correct mindset, I’m sure our Lord, Beelzebub, will answer.