Invasion boards set out to ruin lives

Just blogged it! (and Wired’s spot-on story about it)


That’s true, I have seen that expressed as a desire. I have to say, though, screaming in public spaces about wanting to be left alone is something that makes one question the actual underlying motives.

But that’s not quite what what Fuhrer Dante_Chan (take a moment to breath that handle in, swastikas and all) is saying. Instead the message is “I can’t wait until GG is over so that I can be left alone.” I guess the thinking is that Zoe Quinn wasn’t leaving gamers alone when she made depression quest? Maybe Anita Sarkeesian was not leaving gamers alone when she made videos critiquing games?

I play a lot of videogames, less than I’d like to. I’m not left alone to do so because I have to go to work, raise my children, etc. Sometimes I’d really like to be left alone to do so. But when I think about being left alone to play my games Anita Sarkeesian doesn’t come to mind, my baby who won’t go to bed before midnight does. I don’t think she’d respond to hashtag activism.

So if that is the message of a segment of gamergate, I find it hard to relate to. I’d like to know why it’s so upsetting to them that somewhere in a corner of the internet (that almost no one would have noticed had the threats not happened) there is a woman making videos pointing out sexist things that get into games. Why does that affect them so much?


Not sure where to put it, do I’m dropping this (im) perfect storm(front) of an article here: ‘I TAUGHT SHANLEY KANE HOW TO TROLL, AND I’M SINCERELY SORRY’ Weev interviewed by Milo Yiannoplis about Shanley Kane.

Pastebin response from Kane:

I saw both of these via JC Logan’s twitter feed

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I don’t know if things have gone so off-track it’s worth replying, but I’m curious:

BoingBoing and its followers (of which I consider myself) tend to be extremely opposed to government snooping in our electronic lives. Usually the idea is a) most of the bad guys could be caught with regular police work b) once they have these powers they won’t just use them for benevolent reasons.

If I understand the way *chans work - it is next to impossible to single out someone who’s harming you unless you’re owning the box when it happens.

Justification for law enforcement snooping or not?

Oh, did a manipulative psychopath who describes himself as being a master of driving trollies and of destroying people’s reputations say something bad about someone? Wow, it must be true!

“I provided hard examples from my 16 years of Internet driving trollies, but I told her that if she wanted to be truly great she needed to “A/B test” her copy.”

Like he A/B tested his responses in this interview, presumably. The things he says in this interview read exactly like they were calculated to be as damaging as possible, just like the false claim that Kathy Sierra was using DMCA takedowns to silence critics. He knows what the worst thing he can say about someone is.

No, no, no. This time we can trust weev!

ETA: I scrolled down to the comments on that piece, and the commenters just swallowed it whole. Apparently their desire to hear what they want to hear completely overwhelms the credibility of the source.


You just explained Faux News. (And many other similar phenomenons online and off.)

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As with so many other things, Gaters’ quickness to say that SJWs “Listen and Believe” masks the fact that they do it more than anyone, swallowing anything that hurts someone they hate or lionizes someone they like with the flimsiest of evidence, which then enters their collective consciousness as “proven.”

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I’ll tell you why that’s a thing:

You can blame Internet Aristocrat, ThunderF00t, and just about every single feminist discrediting blogger that get everyone to go against Anita Sarkeesian and the so called “Social Justice Warriors” (or what I like to call them, “Progressive Hypocritical Narcissists”). And the Whole Quinnspiracy set it off like a bomb of rage and harassment, out of fear that Soccer Moms and Nice Polices have infiltrated the entertainment industry to make it safe for victims of domestic abuse, rape, and systematic oppression.

What’s frustrating about it is that they think everyone else does exactly the same thing. They think that this is the only way to think about the world, and that people who disagree with them are just like them. Among some of them this is even explicit - they’ll essentially admit that they give complete credence to anything that supports their existing views but say that everyone else is doing the same. Yuck.

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See, I get all of that. I understand that people are very angry. What I don’t understand is what anyone wants. Well, I think I know what they want, but it’s so ugly and childish that they won’t even say it out loud. I keep hoping someone will actually tell me what they want and it won’t be what I suspect.

You might as well ask them, in front of their moms, what they mostly use the internet for. They’re just not gonna tell the truth.

Well, I could tell you what I believed GG’s demands:

  • An international law that prohibits industries to advertise their products related to the category said publication covers to close said loophole of bribes and payment for reviews.
  • That the articles present both sides of the issues as fair and balanced as possible (nearly impossible due to bias).
  • That people acknowledge that PHNs exist (though there’s articles for that, like shirt storm).
  • To keep their porn and erotic fantasies (as long as those remain private, as it should).
  • To be free to criticize Social Justice Bloggers, such as Sarkeesian, without being branded as a Patriarchal Tool.

Of course you (generic, anybody) can criticize SJW bloggers et alia without being branded a “Patriarchal Tool”, provided you don’t act like a Patriarchal Tool.


Well, gee, and here I thought selecting that swastika-loving tweeter was unrepresentative.

Regarding the really hateful people that Milo and Andrew are revealing themselves to be, I’m reminded, like Humba, of Kathy Sierra, and the wisdom she recently imparted :

Later I learned that the first threat had nothing to do with what I actually made or said in my books, blog posts, articles, and conference presentations. The real problem — as my first harasser described — was that others were beginning to pay attention to me. He wrote as if mere exposure to my work was harming his world.

But here’s the key: it turned out he wasn’t outraged about my work. His rage was because, in his mind, my work didn’t deserve the attention. Spoiler alert: “deserve” and “attention” are at the heart. [emphasis in the original]


Also worth noting that part of the reason why games publications are so dependent on advertizers is that nobody else pays for the damn journalism.


I know right

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How can you claim

Mass shooter Elliot Roger posted his plans on anonymous imageboard Wizardchan

when even the article you link to support your statement says that it didn’t happen?

A commenter has stated that the postings on Wizardchan were not the work
of Elliot Rodger. The videos were posted by another board member who
saw himself in Elliot Rodger. The videos, however, are authentic and
were posted yesterday.

  • Doesn’t make sense.
  • I think you’re saying they’re calling for a ban on advertising video games in video gaming magazines, etc. which would not be practical, and would make it harder for video gamers, etc. to find out about new games, and video game publishers, etc. to advertise.
  • It is not practical, as you note.
  • ?
  • Is it relevant?
  • I think that implies being free to criticize, without being criticized.
  • I think in some cases, that can be justified, for example, survivors of violence and/or abuse should be able to talk about the violence and/or abuse without being interrogated and deliberately triggered about the violence and/or abuse, and being victim-blamed for the violence and/or abuse. Otherwise it enables silencing.
  • But survivors of violence and/or abuse shouldn’t be able to accuse specific people without those people being able to question the specific accusations and defend themselves. Otherwise it enables false accusations.
  • As it is, we tend to have norms that work for those with power, and don’t necessarily work for those without power.
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PHNs? Post-herpetic neuralgias?

A tingly sensation from licking toads?