Invasion boards set out to ruin lives

It actually a suggestion on the Bias Reviews on the sites.

exactly, everything have either a personal agenda to them.

[quote=“DocMelonhead, post:132, topic:50205”]
“Progressive Hypocritical Narcissists”
[/quote]Guess you’re not familar with Tumblr’s Brand of Social Justice Warriors.

In regards to the Porn=Objectification of women; yes, it is.

It’s more of the exact request the “Feminist” on the other side demanded from us as well.

Hence the whole debacle of GamerGate; on mainstream media, they’re branded as a hate group on the count that it started from a blog post from an ex of a female game developer.

It’s pretty hard to miss that Twitter handle, “Fuhrer_Dante_Chan”, with the swastikas. Maybe that’s meant ironically, maybe it’s not very serious, but it’s hard to be sure. My sense is that #Gamergate is driven by a relatively small number of people who are emphatically reactionary, who usually mask how extreme they are. They’re deliberately appealing to a larger audience of people who feel they “just want to be left alone” with their games, who don’t want to be challenged about their received sexism and racism.

Recently, for a number of reasons but mostly due to the cost of housing, I had to relocate from an urban area and rent a room in a house in an old suburb. I haven’t really lived in a suburb in my adult life, so it’s at once familiar and very alien. It’s astonishingly isolating, with scarcely any space for interaction with other people. And the only thing I see young adults in the suburbs doing with each other, is playing console games. As forms of entertainment go, gaming is actually pretty cheap.

Jacobin Magazine had a good issue recently on cities and urban planning and so on, including the impact of the demographic shift in which now the cities are for the rich and the suburbs for the poor, The Suburbanization of the US Working Class. Urban life means more social services and more ready transit across short distances; it means it’s easier to form community networks and coordinate mass actions.

So I think there’s some truth to the stereotype of young men, isolated in the suburbs, who spend all their time on the console. But the stereotype is wrong about one important thing: these aren’t the affluent. And it’s hard to see the benefits of solidarity when you’re socially isolated. And if you’re a young white man in the suburbs, you’ve got conflicting messages: you’re playing on the easy setting, but the game’s gotten much harder. There’s a reason why there’s such a hunger for a form of narrative about individual heroism, in which you are the most important person in the world. And people hungry for this may be vulnerable to claims that someone’s plotting to take their games away. The suggestion that this someone has a voice that sounds like your superego, with its criticisms of your failure to get a well-paying job and do something with your life, is particularly insidious.

One way to reach people like this, I think, is with better narratives, better content in games. I was going to say this is ironic, but that’s the wrong word. I think this is exactly what the reactionary minority is afraid of, why there’s a note of desperation. Games with women as protagonists can be popular. What happens when there are more games about reclaiming agency and dignity through forging solidarity among the oppressed? When some of them become popular? What happens when some game is modelled on history – but not standard Whig history or a triumphal imperialism, but on struggles of the oppressed – and becomes popular?


This post is a wonderful thing. Like many posts left by regulars. But today, this one is my favourite.


That’s more or less the problems of Escapism in general; indulge in one’s fantasy as a mean to escape from the problem of the upcoming Plutocracy.

…I don’t know if Oddworld counts as such an example; though the whole hero thing kinda contradicts the point of it all.

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I’ve had cops show up in my front hallway at home at 6am. They’re not used to being greeted by people saying “Close the door, the cats will get out!” at them until they’ve been backed out of the house with the door closed, and fortunately the cats were like “WTF, I’m hiding under the couch, not going near that stranger.”

The cops were actually looking for my neighbor’s kid, got the wrong apartment number, and it happened on a day my wife was out of town and I’d been up hacking until 3am, so they’d been pounding on my door yelling for “Tony” for a while before they decided to (illegally) try opening it. But fortunately, it wasn’t a SWAT team, just a couple of regular cops with an arrest warrant, and I not only don’t have a gun but had heard the word “police” yelled often enough I didn’t bring the baseball bat downstairs with me either. (And hey, at least it explained why a repo man had come by the other day looking for “Tony with the Porsche”.)

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There is a reason I don’t write about games any more, just the people who play them.


Too bad GG has crowded out that use of the term by using it to refer to anyone they don’t agree with. Going for the kind of thing that has happened in the US with terms like liberal, socialist etc., but as far as I can tell with the opposite result.

  • International Law? To make sure that video game reviews aren’t payola? I have a hard enough time with the U.S. Senate holding hearings on steroids in baseball, but if I heard that any law enforcement dollars/time/energy were being put into this, I’d be royally pissed. It’s just not worth it. I’m loathe to say, for a lot of things, like health care, environmental concerns, discrimination, etc…that if you don’t like it, shop somewhere else/start your own, but seriously, in this case, that’s the only sane response. If you don’t like video games mags that have video game ads, then start a subscription-based, non-profit video game review site, and find your like-minded following. Heck, I’d read it.

  • This isn’t just because of author bias, but because there is very little “truth” to be had in this murky shitstorm, and even less good faith from the people arguing for “balance” and for their “poiunt of view” to be represented. As many, @a_man_in_black in particular, have pointed out, honestly and openly sharing one’s feelings and desires isn’t the name of the game for many players here.

  • I don’t know what that is…I’m not sure I want to know

  • People can keep porn and fantasies. But AAA and high-profile independent games are mainstream culture, subject to criticism from their entire fanbase. Nobody is taking this away. People don’t get their porn and fantasies services by hollywood movies or network television, they get them from porn. Want porn games? Make porn games. Don’t scream and cry, or issue death threats to keep porn, objectification and rape fantasies in games that we’re all trying to play.

  • Who’s branding? If someone thinks your response is without merit outside of being a dick, you may find they call you that. There has been very little “criticism” and a lot more being a dick. And once this ball got rolling, and the criticisms were out there, along with a hateful shitstorm, how important is it to make sure your criticisms of her are thrown on the pile? enough to join the chorus of trollish assholes? Or is there something else you could do with your valuable time?

[EDITED to add that yes, of course the “you” here refers to those who would profess to the bullet points DocMelonhead has laid out…thanks @OtherMichael ]


A meeting of The Social Justice League (a comic).


When you are saying “you” are you talking to a GamerGater, or @DocMelonhead, who is attempting to figure out their positions?

‘cause if you’re meaning “DocMelonhead”, ooooh, you got a lotta ‘splain’’ to do.

UPDATE: ah, cool. you meant a non-specific, generic GG-you. Thanks!

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Agree. Particularly resonating with me is this: “Playing on the easy setting, but the game’s gotten harder.” What a wonderful metaphor not just for GG, but for many of our societal ills, e.g. the erstwhile habit of self-referencing a “post-racial” society that had still not come to terms with it’s ongoing instituinal racism.



Well, sometimes forces beyond our control pull us into really stupid things, even when we wouldn’t otherwise want to get involved.

I organize an annual creative competition for independent, text-based video games, whose most active period is in the fall. Last fall, of course, saw the apex of attention on GG, and during this time a handful of self-intentified GG sympathizers started to talk about this competition on Twitter and in forums, sometimes pairing their discussion with the GG hashtag.

This terrified many participants, who wondered if their activity in the competition would open them up to doxxing and death threats. I believe they had every right to feel that way. (Note that the game nominally involved in the events that touched off GG, Zoe Quinn’s Depression Quest, is an independent text-based game that shares the same broad category of video games as IFComp entries.)

While I myself didn’t feel personally threatened, and while I initially had a “ha ha, come at me bro” attitude towards GG, if I did nothing the competition would have been far worse off. If nothing else, authors and other participants who had reason to feel more vulnerable than me would have pulled out of the competition, and would likely stay away from future iterations.

I would end up instituting a simple code-of-conduct for the competition, and then proceed to monitor any GG activity that intersected with the competition. Fortunately I didn’t need to intercede any further than that, and I felt my extra investment worthwhile. But, that is how GG, while “an enormous waste of time”, as you say, still forced me into a series of course-corrections into order to avoid seeing damage done to a project very important to me. Because I do give a crap.


Please forgive me for quoting myself, since I found I was just typing this all over again:

One thing I want to emphasize is that there already was a history of invasion boards, especially 8chan, conducting elaborate driving trollies campaigns against “SJWs”, involving extensive use of sock puppet accounts and other techniques of misdirection. That’s probably why Eron Gjoni contacted them to begin with, when he wanted to attack Zoe Quinn, which is what started this particular campaign. #Gamergate is much bigger, but it fits the pattern of their earlier efforts, and the invasion boards have remained central to coordinating the campaign. It takes very little effort to uncover this. So I don’t think #Gamergate should, or can, be distinguished from the reactionary politics of the invasion boards.

There is, of course, a history of actual corruption in game reviews. #Gamergate alludes to this, but never does more than that. That’s because, when you do look into the history of actual corruption, you find it’s largely a matter of giant corporations paying for positive reviews of lazily designed games, which often used cheap sexism and other offensive content to paint over the poor design and shallow content. And the people complaining about it – journalists, fans, indie game developers – are the very people #Gamergate has been attacking.


And prior to invasion boards, there were invasion IRC channels. And, now we’ve circled back to our modern day Edmund Pettus and his racist and homophobic origins.


One thing for sure, they’re somewhat successful when it comes to convincing others, especially when it comes to Tumblr. Though the whole Shirtstorm thing and the Rolling Stone scandal pretty much justified their fears a bit.


Here is a Chrome extension that replaces “SJW” with “skeleton”.


But that’s just a smear attempt, no one involved in gamergate would say that (I mean, if they did they are right, but they didn’t).


No one in GG would say (paraphrasing) “/baphomet/ is our plausibly-deniable Rambo” ?

Of course not. Because there would go the plausible deniability.

Must be an SJW a skeleton throwing up a false flag smokescreen!


Actually, what OtherMichael asked me about, I was referencing the allegation that Zoe Quinn had slept her way into press attention for Depression Quest.

Given that it was damn near impossible to be aware of GamerGate without hearing about, you know, the entire reason the thing started, I figured OtherMichael was doing the douchey “I’m not really trolling but here, let me hand you some rope” doobleedoo. I referenced it without commenting on it so that we could avoid having that whole asinine conversation. It has been hashed. To. Death. And I’m not going to get into a conversation that leads me to look like I’m on one side or another.