Iowa caucus-goer learns her candidate is gay

It’s hard to compete with “Jeffrey Epstein buddy who openly cheated on a string of trophy wives with porn stars while publicly musing about dating his own daughter.”


One can hope that this will be a learning moment for her that not everybody that is gay spends all their energy “rubbing that in your face.” But that is probably too much to ask.



IOW, IOKIYR (i.e., sex scandals only hurt Dems).


It forces them to have a ground game.

It forces them to not take voters for granted and just focus on the few urban centers

It forces slow, 1 on 1 interaction with voters. Not simply blanketing media buys.

One day, you can create a magical aspirational demographics state as if such a place exists without its own pitfalls.

And there have been scurrilous rumors circulating that Amy Klobuchar is a woman!


“What the Bible says,” spoken by a woman who has clearly never read it. As no doubt everyone in this thread knows, she’s referring to a poorly translated verse of Old Testament Leviticus, which also says she should be put to death for her unkempt hair (10:6) and blended fabrics (19:19).

There is nothing at all homophobic in the New Testament (it’s actually full of quite uplifting and pleasant metaphors), and that’s the book modern Christians mean when they talk about “the Bible”. It’s certainly the book in the back of her church pews, because the Old Testament wouldn’t even fit. It’s enormous. Like all modern bigots, she’s just assuming all that anti-gay stuff is in there somewhere because she’s heard that it is. When really pressed on the issue, some bigoted Christians know enough to try and cherry pick Leviticus for the “lie with a man” passage, but once again, clearly have not read the rest of Leviticus (which is hilariously silly in many places). It also says nothing about lesbianism, which bigoted Christians rarely seem to care so much about, because sexism (oddly enough).


The problem is big scandal defined by the party that claims the moral high ground tends to be a combination of projection and hypocrisy. After all, Reagan was divorced - at least once.


And is on tape talking about his glee at not asking consent before grabbing women by the pussy.

ETA: I still play the game in my head of “Imagine the reaction if Obama said or did the things that Trump did”. Even just this week, imagine if Obama was at a party while others were standing respectfully for the national anthem and pretended to conduct instead of stood with his hand over his heart. Imagine if Obama had made that phone call to Ukraine and the impeachment was about him. Trump’s aide’s HOPE he can use the teleprompter for the SOTU, but the same party mocked Obama for using it.Imagine Obama not knowing what state Kansas City was in.


Sorry, but all these hot takes are utter bs people are parroting.

The app is nothing but a vehicle to report the well designed *i was shocked too) paper ballots.

The app failed. Not enough phonebank manpower.

So they are going to report the same paper trailed count, just today instead of last night.

Thats it.

Society/caucus/institutions didn’t collapse/meltdown/implode.

Seriously. Complain about iowa being first then become Impatient for its results.

Media journos were openly bitching that they wanted results before midnight for headlines.

Thats the only reason for the doomsday headlines, lol. Such unwarranted hyperbolic dramatics.

You want real drama, look at the mayor pete iowa comm directors tweeted out “math sheets” where he unintentionally shows he magically has delegate numbers rounded up from 3.2 to 4 delegates. Floyd county, for instance.


And had a credible rape accusation against him by Selene Walters.


Righto! Clearly, modern Christians need to get back on track!
A few of the many things clearly no longer being done nowadays, as mandated by The Bible:

  • stone adulters
  • don’t wear clothing of mixed fibers
  • don’t let your hair become “unkempt”
  • don’t eat pork and other divided hoof animals
  • don’t go to church within 33 days after giving birth to a boy

… etc. /sarcasm

More biblical instructions here:


It forces them to prioritize the concerns of some voters far, far more than others.

You can try to spin that in some way to make it sound like a grass-roots democratic process at its finest but in practice the result is “all voters are equal, but some voters are more equal than others.”


Well done!

All of those may be good reasons to have a state go first. None of them are good reasons for a 95% white state to go first in a party that rests on the strength of its non-white voters.

Iowa-first is the dumb system we’re stuck with. The literal least we can ask is that it perform its task so we can move on. It didn’t manage to do that–so, yes, people are rightly upset.




This is an excerpt from AJ Jacobs, secular Jew who spent a year living as literally biblically as possible.


My complaint isn’t about Iowa in particular being first. It’s that any one state gets to have such an outsized influence on the candidate selection process.

However if we decide that we have to let one state get so much influence on the process then it should at least be a state whose demographics are closer to those of the nation as a whole.


Iowa is the source of all sorts of things with room for improvement.


Wow, that’s dated.


We love that book!

I loaned it to my mom (80-something years old) and she liked it. My teenager liked it. A.J. Jacobs is so fun to read, and I like many of his projects.