Iowa State Senator quits the Republican party

That’ll be when they lose congress.

Until then the left needs a better 50 state approach.

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Fair-play to the bloke for having principals.

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Is the tell-all biography in the works?

And he’s not the only one- a couple of other state-level representatives in Nevada and Nebraska have also bolted.

I’m definitely hiring that cat for my next No Party.


I think you’re doing a real disservice to your average bag o’ dicks.


I thought he suspended his membership with the Party. Traitor just the type of person in public service people are fed up with, Quit thinking with your johnson and resign your office you turn coat. Your clearly are misinformed,and don’t sign any bills before you read them.

Nice satire. Nice!


Welcome to Boing Boing! I’m sure your input here will be nothing but friendly and constructive from here on out.


Sorry Drew, now I feel drawn to say the same thing another way. I
understood that when 1500 of us left State Convention that as a Party we
were unified. As a Republican holding office he could have been reconized
by the chair and addressed the convention. I was front row just west of
center, I don’t believe I remember hearing his voice,and if I may add Mr.
VanderPlatte could have from the floor been heard. Wasn’t that the
appropiate time? Is it not disrespectful,to the Party, Convention
attendees, the Chair, as well the Leadership. Maybe I should have said he
is a johnson as aposed to thinking as one? I hope mr. Johnson enjoyes and
makes good use of the time he has left in office. Catch up on some reading,
though I beleive he is well informed as to what is coming. A TRUMP victory
and LIfe as he has known it will change. Because the People spoke. TRUMP
only WON.

[Vander Plaats, opposed]


Yes, unified around a candidate that this long-time Republican finds abhorrent. Which is why he felt morally obliged to leave your party. He’d rather remain true to his principles than true to what your party has become, and for that I say “bravo.”

Just because the People have spoken doesn’t mean they had anything worthwhile to say.


I don’t know if you are a fellow Republican so I am not at Liberty to say
whats the shape of Ia. GOP. Reguardless if for only 8 months, someone with
8 years may say this is correct. I will say I am by far not the smartest
Republican, for you lost me at “abhorrent” thus failing to get your message
across to me. I think that any Party to be a Party, their membership mu st
be to the utmost able to see that the “me” in membership does not stand
alone. A Party is the sum of it 's membership, be it the Ayes or be it the
Nas. Dangerous is he who’s princples he dares to exhibit as those of a King
or Dictator. Will his princples next be in the way of his pledge of
Alegence. Though I do not agree with burning the Flag I must ask have you
ever seen someone acting out like that all alone? Us Republicans in our
platform I believe we state English should be. Bavo is Spanish but that
don’t really bother me. If it did should I quit?

What the hell are you on about?


Plot twist: @mrbreeze455’s first language…isn’t English. [audience gasps]


Do you not see that the ultimate disrespect for the Republican party, and the United States as a whole, is evidenced in Trump winning the nomination? At the time of the state convention it was not yet known that we would find ourselves in this deplorable situation.

I don’t actually think Trump hates America, because i don’t think he cares enough about the country to have a strong opinion, but I do think many of his followers are motivated by extreme hatred of many groups of American citizens and the Founding Fathers’ ideals. Would you count yourself among them?


What did you just say? Can you put it in 25 words or less? I can work around your spelling and syntax errors, but not the lack of sense.


If it helps, @mrbreeze455, you cn xcld vwls nd stll mk sm sns, s lng s y ndrstnd nglsh grmmr nd sntx.