Is Donald Trump becoming forgetful?

Brass you schmuck

Mark Twain (Samuel Longhorn Clemens) has been credited with originating the quote.

Delightful piece on Mr. Drumf, perhaps we should advocate JO for VP?

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Or, he was trying to maneuver from a gotcha trick question from the Jew-infested lamestream media. I mean, why does not, in this greatest land of our forefathers, who went and rang that bell, so we could free the guns and the patriots who, when the liberals tried to make them say those Muslim prayers and bow down to Baraka Hussein Obama, they rang those bells so hard working U.S.A. Americans who may not be elite liberal law schools could say, gosh darn it I will pray to Jesus Christ my saviour in school or on an airplane, I will not bow to your Imans or Sharia law, and that is what our good Christian forefathers meant when they said with those bells, one nation under god.

Come on, let’s keep this fair and balanced now.


Darn tootin, boyhowdy, isn’t that a righteous word salad that our lord and savior would approve of!


You better watch out mister, Sarah Palin resembles that remark!


I would take one Sarah Palin over twenty Donald Trumps. Why can’t we go back to Peggy Hill crazy, goose-stepping crazy isn’t half as fun.


Congratulations for making me do something I swore I would never do: start collecting GIF’s.


Great, have fun!

As you may already know, there’s a lot to choose from here. Way too many, maybe. Enter at your own risk!


No, its not new. And yes his chances are increasing, but they still aren’t very high.

I think though the most effective way to combat him is not by doing what (I assume we) liberals did with Bush. Continuously rolling our eyes and saying “OMG SO DUMB!” wasn’t a very effective strategy last time, and it won’t be this time.

Granted, but I don’t see a lot of us doing that here. As I said, what I mostly see here is more an effort to understand better just how and why his buffoonery and asshattery work.

And I know his chances aren’t high, but those of getting the republican nom are, and in a general election, who knows what could come along to skewer the Democratic candidate? (cough Diebold, voter suppression, disgust with Mrs. Clinton cough)


Just to be clear, since you’re pulling the same stupid alienating bullshit, I voted for Obama twice and am going to be voting against Trump. and spent quite a bit of time complaining about the Wright stuff.

But please, make more assumptions and cling more tightly to your stupid gotchas over how one time when Trump was asked he expressed confusion instead of immediately disavowing the guy he’d already immediately disavowed in an even clearer version of the question not long before. This will time the stupid histrionics will definitely stump Trump instead of looking like pathetic and dishonest opportunism.

Clemens, eh? Well dog my cats!

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You still hold it’s a gotcha question, despite not meeting the definition.

David Duke has held high office. It is tempting to write him and his beliefs off altogether as a debased outlier not worthy of attention, but that would betray the facts of the matter.

Not yet 20 years ago, well over half a million people voted to have Duke represent them in governance. And that was in an election he lost. Many knew exactly what he was then as now and his endorsement absolutely means more than “these people” by way of being a representative of “these people” who is capable of making a publicly recognized endorsement. Asking about the endorsement is a direct and accepted way of asking Trump what you suggest he should have been asked.

I don’t see how you can characterize asking one public figure about the public endorsement of another public figure as a naked attempt to get the public figure to drive off voters. Especially when the question was direct and asked without qualifiers.

The ball was over the plate, slow pitched and there to get hit out of the park, but Trump swung and missed and that’s on him. That he claimed not to know anything about Duke or the KKK is asinine and telling.

The endorsement justified the question. So did the answer.

And by definition Not Gotcha.

edit Actually it was more than 20 years, the jackel has been in a bunch of elections. But in 1990 he garnered over 600,000 votes from registered voters. That isn’t to be ignored even 26 years later. Couple that large number with the fact that Duke was in 92 a primary candidate for Republican nominee for the office of the President of the United States if that number isn’t large enough. Is the question of the endorsement out of line when the endorser has been in the exact position of the endorsee, albeit without the success Trump enjoys?


Would you like to explain who exactly I’m alienating?

You’re coming off a bit defensive of Trump, I think… Drumpf, I mean. Dude wouldn’t disavow Duke,and asking about endorsements is fair game.

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I don’t want Trump to win! If I’m alienating people who would otherwise vote for Trump then I’m clearly pulling some smart alienating bullshit. :V

Then don’t defend him pandering to racists and imagine gotcha politics where none exists…

And I don’t think anyone here supports Drumpf, but clearly,you’re pretty concerned with fairness here. How was the question, on it’s face, even remotely unfair to him?

Also, I don’t find anything @milliefink said remotely alienating.