Is there anything positive to say about Trump's presidency?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


As much as I’m not happy about all this can we not? My original post specifically asked to not go into ‘I’m positive it is all horrible.’

So I’d expected a microscopicly short thread.

art being spawned from it.

Yes, but…


More accurately, he didn’t wrap it up.


My apologies. If that’s the case I have absolutely no business being here.

Hopefully, something will surprise me in the near future.


I can see the point though. Maybe something done on the Mexican side of the border instead? :slight_smile:


I often think this way myself and there’s a very good chance that you’re right. I often make the mistake of assuming that people are capable of learning from their mistakes. But, by that same token, the Overton Window moves left as well. We have gay marriage. We’re legalizing weed. Trans rights are even a thing now. Though the police state is becoming stronger, the culture has already moved past Donald Trump, and that’s arguably more important.

There was a pretty strong backlash to Bush/Cheney, but it was delayed because of 9/11. Unfortunately, Obama ceded a lot of ground by ratifying his predecessor’s policies, and refusing to prosecute people who participated in torture—and now we’re seeing why it was stupid to allow those precedents to stand.

It may take a shock on the scale of Watergate (adjusted for inflation) to pave the way for reform, but Trump seems uniquely equipped to provide it. I agree with you about the trend line, but we shouldn’t take for granted that it’s going to extend into the future indefinitely—after a certain point, it may trigger something. History has a way of surprising you.


I don’t mean to target you specifically as I see a lot of that sarcastic hur hur hur look how fuckedcthings are going around.

We have the whole rest of the board for that item by item. Can we… Not do that here? I know it’s hard because of all the ‘fuck’s sake NOW WHAT?!’ Going on but when all you here is how fucked and bullshit everything is you start to go numb.


One thing I have noticed is that “we” instinctively know each other now. Something about the small talk, or the way of interaction…we now know there are actual battle lines, and we know who’s on our side. So while I’m stressed and grieving and overwhelmed, in day-to-day interactions I have many moments of feeling like “this person, we are aligned, we will have each other’s backs if it comes to that”. I actually feel less alone in the world, if that makes sense. I now have a tribe.


Which is why I’m an advocate of simply tuning it out. Heck, a major reason that Trump exists is that other people wanted to demoralize and offend you.

Realistically, you can’t do much to influence national politics, and many of the things you’re tempted to try (e.g., confronting people about their views) tend to backfire by causing the opposition to further entrench in their ideology. Think of politics like the weather—sometimes it rains, but you don’t get angry at the atmosphere because you’ve learned to expect that. Sometimes, in politics, you get some fascism and xenophobia, and it bothers you because you have an irrational expectation that people are going to be intelligent and conduct their offices with integrity. In fact, if you were born in almost any given time and place since the dawn of civilization, you’d be under the thumb of one despotic ruler or another, with little hope of reprieve. People who lived their entire lives under feudalism managed to cope with it somehow—and they may have even coped with it better, since they weren’t raised with rose tinted glasses.

You can’t control national politics, but you can control how you react to it. Remember that the events that are going to matter most in your life in the next four years are probably going to have nothing to do with Donald Trump. Likewise, the stuff you do that will matter most to society is probably not going to be related to your involvement in politics. Where your influence is really going to be felt is in the work you do every day, the way you treat your friends and family, and so on.

The problem with getting too sucked into the political theater is that it saps away the energy that you could be devoting to your local environment, where you really do have some influence. If you’re leading your life according to a value system that rejects Trumpism, then you’re already doing something to help. Activism can definitely be part of that, but if all you’re doing is driving yourself to despair by lending too much attention to the onslaught of bad news, then you’re really just undermining yourself.

Things get better, and they get worse, and they better again, and then they get worse. It’s an emotional roller coaster, but you don’t have to ride it.


This seems to be happening in the weirdest places too. A lot of the arty sites I read/post on, despite being mostly non-political are having the same sense of a coming together. Hell, I’ve even seen adapted inauguration memes cropping up on wrestling forums. Things like how even Roman Reigns is a bigger draw than Trump. :laughing:

This is actually all extremely cool.


Okay, so one plus is that the idea of American Exceptionalism can never be taken seriously by a grownup ever again. Depending on how long the planet lasts this might be a short term gain.


Mind you, this article is from two years ago.

and the good thing about this is… nope… sorry @singletona082 for my derail!


I think it is important to rememebr that, as much as we are responsible for our own responses to the hand we are dealt, there really are a lot of folks who very much do have to ride it.

In my case, I have to ride that a recent priority change in environmental assessment on some federally regulated projects may well translate out to me getting less work, about 10% less.

But heck, I’m not going to get deported. I’m not likely to have to fight, again, to maintain rights over my own body and my choices, and I’m really really unlikely to get even harrassed by the police - because I’m a white american guy, and not of draft age.

I don’t have to pay attention, but really, really, really I do.


Yes, and I’m trying not to come across as indifferent to those for whom the election is a life changing event. The distinction I’m trying to make is that, yes, you can call congress and raise a stink when the Republicans try to pull something sinister, but those are one-offs. If you organize your life around your values, then every waking hour you’re like a block of sandpaper, subtly wearing away at the cultural underpinnings of racism, authoritarianism, etc.


I read this as “Schwarzenegger is a space lizard or two”. I contemplated why he might be two, and assumed it had to do with his size.


Ah but they have had all along. That’s the whole idea behind structural racism, structural sexism, not the individual public behavior, but structure that perpetuates the evil, long after the structure’s architects have died of old age.


Okay, here’s something positive that you might suspect if you were at one of the many Women’s Marches worldwide or even the Women’s March: We have many more people who want change than those who only worked on one or two issues had ever suspected.

ETA: and I’m learning to knit :smile_cat:


there could be two of him?