“It may be funny to you mother f*cker, but it’s not funny to me.” Beto O'Rourke shuts down man who laughed about AR-15 used in Uvalde massacre

Beto is having to deal with a small but vocal portion of attention-seeking Texas trolls who really do not see anything wrong with zero regulation of the most lethal, made-for-battle firearms ever made. And when such firearms get used on children, or anyone, these people shrug it off (at best) and at worst, they may cheer that if white lives were not taken, they’ll keep a “let them fight” attitude similar to what I saw in the New Orleans police department’s attitude in the 1980s-90s when responding to calls in Black parts of that city. (For all I know, NOLA PD may still be operating that way.)

My state rep (she’s a Democrat) is running against… this Republican woman:

The one on the right.
No, I won’t name her.
She doesn’t need free publicity.
At least you can see the kind of material we have to work with around here. Ammosexuals as a term doesn’t even begin to describe 'em.

Beto’s no Barack Obama, who publicly is 99% cool under pressure no matter what.
I appreciate that Beto allows his righteous anger and human limits to show.
I hope his words go viral and more people donate to his campaign for sanity.

Plenty of us Texans have had our voting power gerrymandered, stacked-and-packed, diluted and manipulated by state republicans. And we’re sick of how the profiteers who have bought Abbott & Co. have screwed up our air, our water, our children’s safety in schools, our so-called public health services, and oh so much more.

Beto’s reaction is our reaction to the fuckery that passes for Texas Freedom® and other Texas mythology. He’s got a helluva hard job to flip Texas blue in the gubner’s mansion, and I wish him only the best.

Please remember that in spite of all of this state electorate wranglin’, Beto ran against Ted Cruz and lost by a respectably thin margin.

And as long as I am at it, Beto in El Paso (which is not connected to the Texas Freedom Grid) did way more for Texans during our extreme freeze in February 2021 than Abbott ever did.

ETA: grammar again
started back on the coffee-drinking later in the day, having given up coffee-less week this week