“It may be funny to you mother f*cker, but it’s not funny to me.” Beto O'Rourke shuts down man who laughed about AR-15 used in Uvalde massacre

NPR is significantly less liberal than their stereo type. They frequently go way out of their way to both sides topics. Completely normalizing topics. Including repeating insane quotes without any context.

Just like the NY Times is often called liberal when they’re frequently just repeating Republican talking points verbatim.

The NY Times and NPR of today are nothing like 20 years ago where those stereo types and perceptions come from.


Yep, lots of garbage spilling from the pieholes of the GQP could be shut down with “WUT. Are you a five-year-old?!” and a withering stare.


They do have the “pearl-clutching” problem of institutional US media though, which I think was more @ZamboniWogglebug ’s point. They wrote a whole story, not about what Beto said, but about how he said it.

I like NPR, but they do have this problem of being stuck in politics from 30 years ago. They still act like both sides are equal opposites debating ideas in good faith. They did this all through Former Guy and, well, their pearls must be filthy from all the clutching that happens over perceived incivility. Won’t someone think of the children? :roll_eyes:


At this point it seem that everyone except the GQP is mired in politics of 30 years ago. And since their politics are mired in pre-Enlightenment thinking, no one takes it too seriously until things blow up. “Surely they don’t really mean they want to repeal Roe/rollback Civil Rights/murder all te gays. Calm down Chicken Little!”



“Beto said a naughty word while probably making some unimportant point about murdering a room full of children with a weapon of war. A bad word! The worst one, in fact!! The ‘F’ one! What has happened to this world?”

Table Flip GIF




Anyway, you motherfuckers probably figured that some motherfuckers somewhere would clutch their motherfucking pearls over this horrific breach of decorum. And sure enough, NPR is on the case:



And the author of NPR’s article claims to be a Marine. “Golly, fellas! There’s too much salty language around here! We’re trying to be good role models! We don’t want to offend children or the elderly! Gosh!”



Napoleon Dynamite Sunglasses GIF


Jesus, Mary, and a carpenter from Brooklyn. If we aren’t careful, we’re going to pearl-clutch our way into a goddamned motherfucking civil war.


To stretch the analogy, you don’t wrestle a pig, you walk up calmly with a sharp knife and cut its throat.


Oh, so the kids aren’t dead?

Wow, that’s a relief.

(Obviously not directed at you, but at those idiots mincing terminology about the kinds of guns used to murder children)

Yeah, because my goodness “the elderly” certainly need to be protected from harsh language.

While I’d like to continue to maintain my illusion that I’m still young, I’m 52. I think I can handle it, but perhaps I’m just not in that category yet. I’m not sure when a person is considered part of the elderly, but I have friends in their late 70’s that can string together a rather impressive flow of cursing, especially when discussing what the QOP has done to us.

Children … yeah. I’m guessing they haven’t actually talked to any children? I know I got in trouble in middle school quite a bit for my langage (got it from my home life). Now that was quite a while ago, so perhaps kids these days are pristine in their decorum? I’m sure that must be the case.


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